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 Objective: to produce a newspaper report outlining the causes and effects of the hurricane.  Imagine you are a newspaper reporter for the Central America.

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Presentation on theme: " Objective: to produce a newspaper report outlining the causes and effects of the hurricane.  Imagine you are a newspaper reporter for the Central America."— Presentation transcript:

1  Objective: to produce a newspaper report outlining the causes and effects of the hurricane.  Imagine you are a newspaper reporter for the Central America Times. You must prepare a number of questions to help you collect relevant information to accurately convey the story to their readers.  Who? What? Where? Why? When?

2 1.Think of as many ‘Who? What? Where? Why? When?’ questions that may be useful. 2.Prioritise the questions to ensure you collect the information required for the newspaper article. 3.Use p216 and p217 to help you gather the information required. Use worksheet 13.2 to help you record the information. 4.Write up your article.

3 5.Repeat step 3 for Hurricane Andrew. 6.Extend your article by writing up the Hurricane Andrew information. 7.Compare the impact of the Hurricanes on the two locations, why do they differ? 8.Read through your article, check your spellings and grammar, don’t lose easy marks!

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