SEXUAL AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Why is it in the FP Curriculum 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SEXUAL AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Why is it in the FP Curriculum 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEXUAL AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Why is it in the FP Curriculum 2012

2 THE STARTING POINT 2009: major concerns about increasing violence against women and children

3 THE SIZE OF THE PROBLEM (1) 28% of women 16-59 have experienced domestic violence 100,000 rapes and 500,000 sexual assaults per year 227,000 people over 65 yrs mistreated per year

4 THE SIZE OF THE PROBLEM (2) 34% of police-recorded rapes in children under 16 16% of children under 16 experienced sexual abuse (girls > boys) 72% of sexually abused children do not tell anyone at the time Disabled children are 4x more likely to be abused

5 CHILD SEX OFFENCES 2008-9 21,618 cases 1000 5 yrs or younger 1 in 7 under 10 yrs

6 THE SIZE OF THE PROBLEM (3) 1,600 reports of forced marriage per year 66,000 women in UK affected by FGM and 24,000 young girls at high risk 90% of people with learning disabilities experienced harassment or violence in one year


8 VAWG TASK FORCE Terms of reference Summary To identify the role and the response of health services in preventing, identifying and supporting women and girls who are victims of violence and abuse, and to make recommendations on what more can be done to meet their needs.

9 KEY AREAS DISCUSSED BY THE TASK FORCE Prevention Awareness Education Pathways of care Integrated services Care of NHS staff Commissioning guidance Data sharing SARCS/forensic medicine Champions

10 AWARENESS Raising the profile with all NHS staff Communication strategy Public campaign (?)

11 EDUCATION Undergraduates Basic postgraduate Advanced postgraduate for 1 st contact specialties N.B. focus on attitudes, targeted enquiry

12 CHAMPIONS Local designated person in every NHS institution Leader of VAWC Board Trust Board level SHA lead DH and NHS champions

13 Taskforce Recommendations NHS staff should be made aware of the issues relating to violence and abuse against women and children, and of their role in addressing those issues. NHS staff should be appropriately trained at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to meet the needs of women and children who have experienced violence and abuse. This should include awareness of the associations and presentations of violence and abuse and how to broach the issue sensitively and confidently with patients. Women and children who are experiencing violence or abuse should be provided with information that helps them to access services quickly an safely.

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