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Postgraduate Research Skills Workshop 16 June 2008, York Biblical Studies Biblical Studies History & Philosophy of Science, Technology & Medicine History.

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Presentation on theme: "Postgraduate Research Skills Workshop 16 June 2008, York Biblical Studies Biblical Studies History & Philosophy of Science, Technology & Medicine History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postgraduate Research Skills Workshop 16 June 2008, York Biblical Studies Biblical Studies History & Philosophy of Science, Technology & Medicine History & Philosophy of Science, Technology & Medicine Philosophy Philosophy Religious Studies Religious Studies Theology Theology

2 Introduction to the Subject Centre for Philosophical & Religious Studies ‘Mission statement’  To support and promote philosophical, theological and religious studies higher education in the UK We work with and for academics and students, to provide subject specific support for the learning and teaching of:  Philosophy  History & Philosophy of Science, Technology & Medicine  Theology  Religious Studies  Biblical Studies

3 Subject Centre for PRS – who are we? The Subject Centre for Philosophical & Religious Studies (PRS) is part of a UK network of 24 Subject Centres, each of which provides subject-specific support to their own disciplines. The Subject Centre (SC) network is part of the Higher Education Academy: Subject Centre staff are PRS academics with a range of research and teaching experience

4 … and what do we do? Facilitate the sharing of expertise  Via events (e.g.) Spoon Feeding or Critical Thinking? conference (3-4 July 2008, Oxford) Workshops and colloquia (e.g. practical theology; metaphysics; aesthetics) Departmental workshops, contributions to other events (e.g. 2008 Joint Session, BPPA, BASR conferences) ... publications (e.g.) Journal – Discourse Guides – e.g. employability; ethics; faith guides  … and our website:

5 … what else do we do? Support new developments (e.g.)  ‘Research skills training’ programme for postgraduate students  Employability: ‘Working with Values’ project  SC-funded research & development projects (e.g.) E-learning Supporting students with dyslexia Interdisciplinarity Provide a ‘voice’ for PRS disciplines in HE policy developments

6 Research skills programme aims To provide practical, subject- specific support for sharpening skills in researching, writing, presenting & publishing To offer regional networking opportunities To relieve the sense of isolation To identify & develop transferable skills

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