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How do we learn? Why and how do we plan for revision? How can I make revision more effective? (How do I make information sticky?) How do we learn? Why.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we learn? Why and how do we plan for revision? How can I make revision more effective? (How do I make information sticky?) How do we learn? Why."— Presentation transcript:


2 How do we learn? Why and how do we plan for revision? How can I make revision more effective? (How do I make information sticky?) How do we learn? Why and how do we plan for revision? How can I make revision more effective? (How do I make information sticky?)

3 Which could have the greatest impact on your exam results?

4 Reward the revision…not the result

5 Prepare yourself for a very offensive picture!

6 Organising information And revision Looking after your brain Making revision active Using what works best for you Parents and students working together. GCSEs Seeing is not the same as paying attention

7 Organising information And revision Looking after your brain Making revision active Using what works best for you Parents and students working together. GCSEs

8 Discussion Complete the activity in your booklet “why bother” checklist Discussion Complete the activity in your booklet “why bother” checklist John. you are revising because … Put a card like this where you will revise John. you are revising because … Put a card like this where you will revise



11 Stress

12 Organisation: Your time Your information Knowing what works for you Sleep

13 Each exam has different topics to revise. Not good enough to say “I’m doing English.” Each exam has different topics to revise. Not good enough to say “I’m doing English.” TOPIC Rate My Understanding 1= Great 4 = Poor Number 2 Decimals and rounding 2 Fractions 3 Using a calculator 1 Percentages 1 Ratio and proportion 2 Algebra 1 4 Algebra 2 4 Sequences 3 Graphs 1 2 Linear equations and inequalities 2 Graphs 2 2 Formulae 4 2-D shapes 1 Angles 1 1 Know what is coming up in each examination. Focus revision on key topics you have struggled with… Know what is coming up in each examination. Focus revision on key topics you have struggled with…

14 Why create a revision plan? Key Questions Does the plan cover all topics that could be on exams? Is it realistic (too much, too little)? Have they given enough time to a subject to prepare for the exam. Have they planned for social time?


16 How long should I revise for? Generation Game The Primacy and Recency Effect (9:05) Generation Game The Primacy and Recency Effect (9:05) AFTER the video is stopped – write down what you remember

17 We remember the first and last bits of information best…apart from cuddly toys! Why do we remember the cuddly toy? Microwave Fondu Midi Fruit Champagne Typewriter Socks Urn Foodmixer TV Blender Boxers Dishwasher Cuddly Toy Sewing machine

18 Ways of revising – Top Tips Key message Reading through notes – on its own is a poor way of revising. Relevant Interesting Naughty Giggle

19 Probability of an Outcome = Number of ways an outcome can happen --------------------------- Number of possible outcomes Probability of an Outcome = Number of ways an outcome can happen --------------------------- Number of possible outcomes Mean = Add the Numbers together, Divide by the total by The amount of numbers. Useful for Smaller amounts of Numbers. Mean = Add the Numbers together, Divide by the total by The amount of numbers. Useful for Smaller amounts of Numbers. The middle Number. Put the Numbers in order, Find the middle One. The middle Number. Put the Numbers in order, Find the middle One. Mean Median Probability Equation Probability Equation Making information sticky! Organise them into packs and revisit them regularly Have a go with your pack of most common command words used in exams. Organise them into packs and revisit them regularly Have a go with your pack of most common command words used in exams. Cue Cards

20 Write your own song!song LINK

21 Teach someone Could you explain to the person next to you how to… Get a computer switched on and open up a word document. How to make a letter persuasive. How to find the area of a circle. How to get a car started.

22 lOCI Clip – Andy Bell Memory champion

23 Mind mapping Shopping list: apples tinned tomatoes kitchen roll pasta newspaper milk rice cheese Problems with lists?

24 Mindmapping Have to select and categorise Links can be made where categories have connections. Using words, colours and pictures engages different areas of the brain. A quick summary to return to. Go large – do this on large sheets of old wallpaper!

25 This could be used as a summary of a topic, characters from a book, causes of an event…

26 What do you do…if you do not know what to do? rain ook uddy reak oss

27 What do you do…if you do not know what to do? In an exam What do you do…if you do not know what to do? In an exam Answer a different question first. Brainstorm anything you know on the topic. Ask the W questions (who where when why what)


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