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Three dimensions The distance between point and plane

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1 Three dimensions The distance between point and plane
Distance between point and plane is vertical line which connects point and center pointof plane. ( jarak titik ke bidang adalah panjang garis tegak lurus dari titik ke bidang ) A A’

2 The distance between point A and plane BCGF is line AB = 6 cm
A cube ABCD.EFGH with edge 6 cm, find the distance between point A to plane BCGF H G The distance between point A and plane BCGF is line AB = 6 cm E F D C A B

3 The distance between C to plane BDG is CC’
A cube ABCD.EFGH with edge 6 cm, find the distance between point C to plane BDG A B D C E F H G The distance between C to plane BDG is CC’ C’ OC = (OG)2 = (OC)2 + (CG)2 O = = 54 See the triangle OCG The area OCG = The area OCG =

4 TASK In the cube ABCD.EFGH of edge 6 cm, find the distance from point B to the plane EFGH In the cube ABCD.EFGH of edge 6 cm, find the distance from point A to the plane BDHF In the cube ABCD.EFGH of edge 9 cm, find the distance from point B to the plane AFC A pyramid T.ABCD with edge of base square 4 cm and TA = TB = TC = TD = 8 cm. Find the distance from point T to plane ABCD

5 QUIZ In the cube ABCD.EFGH of edge 4 cm, determine the distance from point E to the plane BDG A pyramid T.ABCD with edge of base square 4 cm and TA = TB = TC = TD = 8 cm. Determine the distance from point T to plane ABCD

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