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Improv – Intro to Course

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1 Improv – Intro to Course
Syllabus, Norms, and other important info

2 Rules for the Room (Norms)
Take responsibility for your own learning and the steps necessary to accomplish it. Help each other to become more skilled artists/performers. Respect the room, each other, and the art form. Follow the Policies/Procedures (outlined in the handout) Be an active participant in classroom activities. Take calculated and intelligent risks in performance.

3 Enduring Understanding
Personal creativity is involved in performance. Improv skills transfer to life skills. Quality performances are achieved through dedication and discipline. Collaboration is critical to performance.

4 Essential Questions How will creativity shape an improv performance? How does communication and cooperation impact good improvisation? What skills are necessary in both improvisational theatre and life? Why is critique analysis important to performance?

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