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A Good teacher Explains... A Superior teacher Demonstrates... A GREAT teacher Inspires…

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Presentation on theme: "A Good teacher Explains... A Superior teacher Demonstrates... A GREAT teacher Inspires…"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Good teacher Explains... A Superior teacher Demonstrates... A GREAT teacher Inspires…

2  Welcome New Staff  Admin  GHS  GMS  GES  SPED  Summer Training / PD  Buildings & Grounds

3  Updated Web Site  Common Core  Curriculum Mapping  Scope & Sequence  Buildings  Automated Sub System  Handbooks Progress

4 Performance Measures >90% of English Language Learner students will show growth in reading and math >90% of students will graduate >90% of students will be proficient in Reading >90% of students will be proficient in Math All schools will develop a positive behavior support plan Safety plans posted in appropriate locations Implement OLWEUS Anti-Bullying Program K-12 Enhance district website to increase stakeholder use from the 2012 data – making it interactive Continue McREL teacher / admin. evaluation system 100% of new employees will follow the hiring process Walkthrough data will be shared with building staff quarterly, each teacher will be observed > than 25 times Increase by 10% the percent of parent attendance at parent- teacher conference from the 2012 attendance Increase by 10% participation of stakeholders at school events from the 2012 attendance Increase stakeholder awareness through multiple avenues of communication 2012 - 2015 District Vision A district where all students graduate with the skills and characteristics necessary to be productive, contributing citizens. DISTRICT GOALSDISTRICT GOALS Reading Math Graduation Rate Improve Academic Achievement For All Students Develop and Implement a Positive Behavior Support System Update and post district safety plan Ensure A Safe Orderly Environment Utilize technology to facilitate efficient systems district wide Hire and Retain Highly Effective Staff Achieve Efficient and Effective Operations Research, design and implement a parent community involvement plan Collaborate and communicate with key stakeholders Increase Community And Stakeholder Involvement DISTRICT FOCUS AREAS

5 22.27% 3.46% 2.12% 11.19% 16.15% District Goal

6 14.51% 7.27%


8 RTI SIOP RRR MAP INFORM IF Power Words PBIS PD Tools to help us achieve our goals We are ALL math and reading teachers McRel CORE WALK Thrus Olweus

9 Every Teacher Will Get A Copy Expect PD

10 Improve Student learning and achievement through Rigor, Relevance & Relationships Bell to Bell Learning Improved Planning Continuous Formative Assessment Increase Rigor Reading Strategies Fs Are Forbidden (N) 2012-2013 School Year Focus We are ALL math and reading teachers


12  Marzano’s Nine Instructional Strategies  Identifying Similarities and Differences  Summarizing and Note Taking  Reinforcing Effort and Recognition  Homework and Practice  Nonlinguistic Representations  Cooperative Learning  Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback  Generating and Testing hypotheses  Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizing (wait time)  Problem Solving  Formative Assessments  Bell to Bell Learning  HOTS (higher order thinking skills)  Power Words Rigor



15  Interdisciplinary  Authentic problems / tasks  Contextual  Simulation  Service Learning  Common Core Standards  Research (MLA / APA styles) Relevance

16 Relationships  Honesty  Respect (both ways)  Civility  Tolerance  Support our students and school, Events, sports, etc.  Catch ‘Em Being Good  Sincere Caring / Concern  SCHOOL IS NO PLACE FOR SARCASM

17 Bullying Prevention  Staff are the First Line of Defense  Policy JICFA, Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying  PBIS  Olweus  Hallways; Bathrooms; Locker Rooms; Between Bldgs


19 Closing CPR / First Aid Recertification 9:30 CPI Recertification12:00 – 4:00 Open Door Policy A Good teacher Explains... A Superior teacher Demonstrates... A GREAT teacher Inspires…

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