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Gender issue in the ICT field in higher education B. Divjak, V. Vidaček-Hainš & M. Ostroški - Varaždin County - Faculty of Organization and Informatics.

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1 Gender issue in the ICT field in higher education B. Divjak, V. Vidaček-Hainš & M. Ostroški - Varaždin County - Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin, University of Zagreb VIIth Conference of the European Regions on Equal Opportunities Timisoara (Timis, Romania), October 11-12, 2007


3 Population aged 15 or more according to the level of education (%): http://www.dzs.hr (Croatian Bureau of Statistics – 2001 Census)

4 Varaždin County (Croatian Bureau of Statistics – 2001 Census)

5 Croatian Employment Service Unemployment rate by gender July 2007: Only 4.2% of unemployed persons have a HE degree Most of them are aged over 50 (28.7 %) Male Female


7 Proportion of female full professors Source: National Science Foundation (2003). In Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, pp 17. National Academy of Sciences, N.A. of Engineering and Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

8 Percentage of female and male doctoral scientists (Computer Science) Source: National Science Foundation (2003). In Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, pp 171. National Academy of Sciences, N.A. of Engineering and Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press, Washington D.C. Legend: 1= percentage of female d.s. ; 2= percentage of male d.s.

9 Croatia: Doctors of science – technical sciences Female students (20,3%) Male students (79,8%)

10 Gender budgeting Tools and processes designed to facilitate a gender analysis in the formulation of government budgets and the allocation of resources European Women’s Lobby – more than 3000 women’s associations in Europe

11 Our research – the goals To define connections between the social and economic status and secondary education as pre-entry factors determining results achieved in higher education (HE) Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

12 Respondents N = 271 first-year students of Information Systems in the field of Organization and Computer Sciences Male Female Part-time Full-time

13 Measurement (Survey)

14 Results Full-time vs. part-time students: Average number of learning hours per week Legend: Y axis = average number of hours ● Full time students achieved better results Male vs. Female students: ● Female students study 1.46 h more than male students; female students – more motivated to fulfill their tasks than male students (r= -0.217, p>0.05): Pearson correlation between gender and motivation

15 Results Statist. sign. variables: Not significant variables: Size of residence Availability of the Internet Type of secondary school (r=0.219, p>o.o5) Gender differences (t=3,255; df=128;p>0.01) Female students learn more Very important: curriculum and pre-knowledge from secondary school Full-time students vs. Part-time (full-time learn more)

16 Conclusion Pedagogical implications of the research: The need to familiarize the students with the aims and outcomes of courses The redefined role of the teacher in ICT supported learning environment Meta-skills – “learning to learn” strategies

17 Prerequisites for teachers 1. Objective insight into students’ behavior 2. Adapting the learning strategies to students / teachers 3. Quality communication

18 Thank you!

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