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From choice, a world of possibilities Service Statistics What to do when you can’t locate a service.....

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Presentation on theme: "From choice, a world of possibilities Service Statistics What to do when you can’t locate a service....."— Presentation transcript:

1 From choice, a world of possibilities Service Statistics What to do when you can’t locate a service.....

2 Procedure for Adding Services in Future Plan Ahead At APB planning stage, before the start of the program year and data collection. When preparing project proposals List all data to be captured and determine if that tools & procedures exist to capture that data

3 Procedure for Adding Services in Future Consult list of IPPF services (Prep Tool). If the “new” service is missing from your eIMS configuration, and It exists on master list of IPPF services, Send an email to IPPF/WHR or CFPA to request its addition your MA eIMS configuration. Adjust your prep tool to included the service account number and complete name. Please add service account ……

4 Procedure for Adding Service If the missing service is not on the IPPF master list of services … Communicate this to IPPF/WHR Evaluation and request assistance with classification. Choose locate related Service Type. Use service detail “89” Other Services, within related Service Type. IPPF/WHR will communicate service requests to CO to obtain new service accounts based on program trends or QOC issues


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