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Green is Both Team and Manager INFRASTRUCTURE SKILLS SOLUTION Red is TEAM Only The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid.

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Presentation on theme: "Green is Both Team and Manager INFRASTRUCTURE SKILLS SOLUTION Red is TEAM Only The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green is Both Team and Manager INFRASTRUCTURE SKILLS SOLUTION Red is TEAM Only The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid

2 SKILLS Skills for creative thinking are presented as a major part of this level. Take advantage of them, for yourself and for your team. The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid Guide We all learn skills. They do not appear via osmosis or the Matrix. Some team members will astound you with the skills they already have. Other skills need to be learned to accomplish even the most basic tasks. Facilitating at the Skills level is not Interference. In fact it is the essence of what Team Managers should do. Skills are tools that fill a virtual box. The magic truly happens when team members pull an existing skill from their box and creatively apply it to the unknown. As a Team Manager, encouraging skill development is not just a technique, but a gift to the team for a lifetime.

3 INFRASTRUCTURE In our case, DestiNation Imagination creates a simulated slice of reality on which to focus for about six months or so…. The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid Guide Without a purpose and place to apply them, skills wither and fade into time. The Challenge is Infrastructure. As a Team Manager it is not Interference to help your team understand the aspects and rules of the Challenge.

4 In terms of the Destination ImagiNation ® Challenge, this is where Team Managers cannot go. This area belongs only to the team. This is the team’s Presentation. You can’t touch it. The SOLUTION is where the team synthesizes the SKILLS and INFRASTRUCTURE levels into something totally their own. It draws on the lower levels, but produces something unique. A way of putting the pieces together that is unexpected and chases the word SOLUTION to the point of the pyramid. SOLUTION The 10 Second Team Manager Pyramid Guide

5 INFRASTRUCTURE SKILLS SOLUTION As a Team Manager you are only interfering if you are in the RED

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