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Monitored Data CSTS, CCSDS 922.1-W-0.13 15-19 April 2013 Bordeaux, France John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitored Data CSTS, CCSDS 922.1-W-0.13 15-19 April 2013 Bordeaux, France John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitored Data CSTS, CCSDS 922.1-W-0.13 15-19 April 2013 Bordeaux, France John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc., Greenbelt, MD, USA

2 2 Summary of Changes Since the Previous (July 2010) Version  Updates of the Functional Resource, monitored parameter, and notifiable event terminology throughout the book, to match the current Published Identifier-based naming approach of the CSTS SFW (W-0.12)  Removes normative references to Guidelines and directly inserts normative material equivalent to the formerly-referenced Guidelines material (W-0.12)  Adds specification for the setting of each configuration parameter for which such specification is deferred in the CSTS SFW to the service specification (W-0.12)  These configuration parameters are specified in the MD-CSTS to be managed parameters  Adds 6 monitored parameters and 4 notifiable events (W-0.12)  The monitored parameters are the values of the managed parameters  The events are the four standard production status-related events (configured, halted, etc.)  These parameters and events are straw man proposals for the consideration of the WG members  Adds the root OIDs for the MD-CSTS Provider FR Type, paramtersId, eventsId, and parameter identifiers to Annex A (W-0.12)  Moves the Production specification to normative Annex B (W-0.12)  Changes the Service Management specification from a normative reference (in section 1) to an informative reference (in the informative references annex) (W-0.12)  Scope of Production Status limited to production resources associated with collecting monitored values and event notifications (W-0.13)  Numbers of instances of procedures are simply “managed” without relationship to Service Agreement (W-0.13)

3 Remaining Questions/Issues  Should the monitored parameters, notifiable events, and directives for a CSTS be defined in the specification for that CSTS, or should the normative specification of such information be only in the Data Dictionary/SANA registry?  Should directives (if any) be defined in the CSTS specification even if monitored parameters and events are not? Directives generally involve capabilities that have to be built into the service  Should the CSTS specification define the standard crossSupportFunctionalities node for the service even if specific parameters, events, and directives are deferred to SANA?  Data Dictionary: location, contents, and how it should be referenced by CSTS specifications  To be discussed at this meeting  MD-CSTS informative annex on example Data dictionary and OID values: which Functional Resource Types and parameters should be included?  It could contain the proposed values currently in section 5, but only as informative examples that might change  Should MD-CSTS (and other CSTS) monitored parameters include managed parameters as well as time-changing status parameters?  Data Dictionary currently includes such parameters for SLE services  The result of combining STATUS-REPORT and GET-PARAMETER values  “Functional Resource instance”  Term is used in the MD-CSTS and currently identified as a term defined in the MD-CSTS specification  Also used in the CSTS SFW but not identified in  It should it be defined in the CSTS SFW and referenced by service specifications  Production Status refinement – discussed elsewhere 3

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