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I will enter His gates Voi veni cu bucurie inaintea Domnului.

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Presentation on theme: "I will enter His gates Voi veni cu bucurie inaintea Domnului."— Presentation transcript:

1 I will enter His gates Voi veni cu bucurie inaintea Domnului

2 I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day That the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad

3 :/ He has made me glad He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me glad, glad, glad /:

4 Voi veni cu bucurie inaintea Domnului, Voi veni cu multumire-n casa Lui; Aceasta zi e-a Domnului, deci sa ne bucuram in ea, Cantandu-I glorie, Aleluia!

5 :/ Eu sunt fericit, eu sunt fericit! Sunt fericit ca El m-a mantuit! /:

6 /: Osana, lauda Domnului! Lauda Domnului ce m-a salvat! :/ (Hosana, Praise the Lord Praise the Lord that saved me) /: Maret esti Dumnezeu! Cu laude noi Te onoram! :/ (Great is the Lord With praises we honor Him)

7 /: Osana, binecuvantam! Binecuvantam pe Salvatorul! :/ (Hosana, we bless Him We bless Him our Saviour) /: Voi binecuvanta, Pe Domnul toata viata mea! :/ (I will bless Him My dear Lord all my life)

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