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Ontology module Class Subclass-of property Object property Equivalent to a restriction in an object property Subclass of a restriction in an object property.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontology module Class Subclass-of property Object property Equivalent to a restriction in an object property Subclass of a restriction in an object property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontology module Class Subclass-of property Object property Equivalent to a restriction in an object property Subclass of a restriction in an object property Legend Module Class = objectProperty only | some objectProperty only | some objectProperty Class

2 ArtifactFunction Measuring Device Deployment PlatformSite System onPlatform only hasSubsystem only, some SurvivalRange hasSurvivalRange only OperatingRange hasOperatingRange only Deployment hasDeployment only DeploymentRelatedProcess Deployment deploymentProcesPart only deployedSystem only Platform deployedPlatform only attachedSystem only Device Sensor SensingDevice Sensing = implements some Property observes only MeasurementCapability hasMeasurementCapability only Process

3 Measuring Data Observation Upper Process hasParameter only hasInput only hasOutput only, some Parameter Input Event Observation Sensor procedure only Feature featureOfInterest only ValueThing observationResult only Output Property observedProperty only qualityOfObservation observationSamplingTime observationResultTime hasProperty some

4 Communication ConstraintBlockUpper MeasuringCapability EnergyRestrictionOperatingRestriction OperatingRange OperatingProperty hasOperationCondition only EnvironmentalOperatingPropertyMaintenanceSchedule SurvivalRange SurvivalProperty hasSurvivalCondition only EnvironmentalSurvivalPropertySystemLifetimeBatteryLifetime OperatingPowerRange MeasurementCapability MeasurementProperty measurementPropertyCondition only Property forProperty only Condition inCondition only Accuracy DetectionLimitDrift Frequency MeasurementRange PrecisionResolution ResponseTime Selectivity Sensitivity Latency

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