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IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Final proposal for 802.15.4j MBANS] Date Submitted: [18 July 2011] Source: [Suhwook Kim] Companies [LG Electronics] Address [LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye-1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea] Voice:[+82-31-450-1936], FAX: [+82-31-450-4049], E-Mail:[] Re: TG4j Call for Proposals document number 15-11-0095 [If this is a response to a Call for Contributions, cite the name and date of the Call for Contributions to which this document responds, as well as the relevant item number in the Call for Contributions.] [Note: Contributions that are not responsive to this section of the template, and contributions which do not address the topic under which they are submitted, may be refused or consigned to the “General Contributions” area.] Abstract:Proposes the MAC enhancement for 802.15.4j MBANS Purpose:For consideration by TG4j in response to the Call for Proposals (15-11-0095) as a proposal that meets all of the Technical Requirements. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Final proposal for 802.15.4j MBANS Authors: Date: July 18, 2011 NameCompanyAddressPhoneemail Suhwook KimLG Electronics LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye- 1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea +82-31-450- 1936 Junho JoLG Electronics LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye- 1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea +82-31-450- 1911 Jaewon LimLG Electronics LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye- 1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea +82-31-450- 1936 Bonghoe KimLG Electronics LG R&D Complex 533, Hogye- 1dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-shi, Kyungki-do, Korea +82-31-450- 4131 Slide 2

3 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 3 MBAN Regulation 2360~2390 MHz band –Indoor only –1mW/MHz Tx power limit –Electronic key/Beacon: an electronic frequency authorization generated by the MBANS coordinator 2390~2400 MHz band –Anywhere –20mW/MHz Tx power limit

4 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 4 PHY Reuse of existing 802.15.4 implementations operating in the 2450 MHz band –DSSS PHY employing O-QPSK modulation –Channels: F c =2405 + 5(k-11), for k=11,12, …, 26 –Symbol rate: 62.5 ksymbol/s –Data rate: 250 kbps

5 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Problem Statement Necessary function for MBANS –Electronic Key mechanism –(De)Enablement mechanism Baseline spec (802.15.4-2006) can support these function without any changes –Beacon frame –(De)Association scheme Slide 5

6 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Problem Statement However, some characteristic of MBANS should be considered –Channel transition by MBAN coordinator –Long beacon period: Long scanning time (additional power consumption for scanning) –Heterogeneous channelization We cannot guarantee network re-access time after deenablement –MBAN devices should scan all channels Slide 6

7 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission MAC enhancement Channel switch notification –Channel switch command with time, channel information Slide 7

8 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 8 MAC enhancement Channel switch notification Unicast Broadcast/ Multicast

9 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 9 MAC enhancement MLME-primitives

10 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Slide 10 MAC enhancement Channel switch information –Timestamp: The time at which the channel switching will be occurred. –Logical Channel: The logical channel which is chosen by the coordinator and the MBAN device shall switch to. –Channel Page: The channel page which is chosen by the coordinator and the MBAN device shall switch to.

11 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission MAC enhancement Guaranteed Time Slot (GTS) –Drawbacks Not-suitable for long interval traffic application Inefficient resource allocation Slide 11 Legacy GTS

12 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission MAC enhancement Periodic GTS –Advantages Suitable for MBANS application Efficient resource allocation Low additional overhead Slide 12 Periodic GTS

13 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Channelization Our proposal for MBAN channelization –9 channels –2360 ~ 2390 MHz: Non-overlapped 6 channels –2390 ~ 2400 MHz: Overlapped 3 channels Slide 13

14 IEEE 802.15-11-0472-01-004j July 2011 Suhwook Kim, LG Electronics Submission Conclusion In this submission, we propose the MAC enhancement for MBANS –Channel switch notification –Periodic GTS This proposal is based on reused PHY and our channelization model Slide 14

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