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Software Tools Supporting Village Power System Design

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1 Software Tools Supporting Village Power System Design
Jean Ku APEC Village Power Workshop November 9, 2004

2 Why do we need new models?
Traditional Rural Electrification Grid extensions, micro-hydro or diesels New and Renewable Alternatives Small-scale individual DC systems Solar Lanterns, Solar or Wind Home Systems Hybrid Power AC Systems Wind, PV, Biomass, Gensets, Batteries Mini-grids, Micro-enterprise Zones, Battery Recharging Stations

3 The Role of Models Objective and subjective criteria
Computers analyze objective criteria People analyze subjective criteria Offers simplicity and transparency It’s easier to weigh the quality of service issues when you have comparable cost estimates for each alternative

4 The Modeling Process What is the most economical way to meet a community’s power needs? Data Inputs Local energy resources Community loads Basic component costs General maintenance costs Modeling Tools Distribution system configuration (on- vs. off-grid) ViPOR Results Basic system design Installation and O&M costs Base line cost of alternatives Yearly power production Fuel consumption Modeling Tools Power System Design HOMER, Hybrid2

5 NREL’s Suite of Models ViPOR: An optimization model that determines the best mix of centralized and isolated power generation for a particular village. HOMER: An optimization model that determines the least-cost system configuration. Hybrid2: A simulation model to determine the cost and performance of a wide variety of power systems given the load and available resources.

6 Village Power Optimization Model for Renewables
An optimization model to design village electrification systems, ViPOR will: Optimize the mix of centralized and isolated generation Select between grid extension and stand-alone systems for centralized power Select the optimal placement of the centralized power system(s) Determine the optimal placement of transformers Design the optimal MV and LV distribution grid ViPOR’s optimization procedure considers costs and revenues.

7 ViPOR: Inputs Location & energy requirements for expected loads
Potential locations of centralized power system(s) Wire and transformer costs Power generation costs for isolated and centralized power systems (can be calculated by HOMER) Expected revenues from each load (on-grid and off-grid) Terrain description (spatial map) Maximum low voltage line length

8 ViPOR: Sample village Water is shown in blue, forest green, grass white, and trail gray. Green dots are houses, brown are stores, orange is church. Yellow triangles are high-wind sites, orange is low-wind site.

9 ViPOR: Solution for sample village
ViPOR has chosen a high-wind site to power the centralized system Houses not on the grid are to be given PV home systems Red lines are MV wires, blue are LV wires Red dots are transformers

10 ViPOR: Numeric Output

11 ViPOR: Numeric Output

12 ViPOR: Future enhancements
Explicit calculation of voltage drops Calculation of power losses in distribution system Multiple transformer sizes Multiple wire sizes Tighter integration with GIS and HOMER

13 What is HOMER? A tool for comparing and evaluating micropower technology options for a wide range of applications Village power systems Stand-alone applications Grid-connected systems Conventional technologies New technologies


15 What does HOMER do? HOMER finds the combination of components that can serve a load at the lowest life-cycle cost Shows how this result can vary given different assumptions

16 Technologies HOMER Can Model
Single technology systems and multiple-technology (hybrid) systems Compare multiple combinations of different technologies

17 Generators Fossil fuels Biofuels Cofired Cogeneration
Up to three generators

18 Grid Extension Compare to stand-alone system
Breakeven grid extension distance

19 Grid-connected Systems
Rate schedule Net metering Demand charges

20 Renewable Technologies
Solar PV Wind Biomass and biofuels Hydro

21 Emerging Technologies
Fuel cells Microturbines Small modular biomass

22 Questions HOMER can Answer
Should I buy a wind turbine, PV array, or both? Will my design meet growing demand? How big should my battery bank be? What if the fuel price changes? How should I operate my system? And many others…

23 Inputs Component cost and performance data Resource availability Loads

24 Simulation - Optimization - Sensitivity Analysis
Estimate the cost and determine the feasibility of a system design over the 8760 hours in a year Optimization Simulate each system configuration and display list of systems sorted by net present cost (NPC) Sensitivity Analysis Perform an optimization for each sensitivity variable [Energy Balance] Simulation Optimization Sensitivity Analysis

25 Sensitivity Analysis Important information is very uncertain
Loads Even if you have data loads will change with system Resources Data for a different place, natural variability Costs Fuel prices, O&M costs Policy and market analyses requires input ranges not point estimates

26 Simulation Results Cost and performance of a particular system configuration

27 Optimization Results Ranked list of system configurations

28 Sensitivity Results Graphs and tables

29 The Hybrid2 Simulation Software
A tool designed to accurately predict the long term performance of a wide variety of power systems made up of conventional fuel generators, wind generators, photovoltaics and energy storage through batteries

30 Hybrid2 Data Requirements
Loads Primary time series or daily load profile, including deferrable and optional loads Site/Resource parameters Wind speed and incident solar time series Ambient temperature time series or nominal value Elevation, site position and wind turbulence parameters Power System Configuration and components Component performance parameters (Library) Dispatch Strategy (Library)

31 Hybrid2 Analysis Procedures
Site/Resource parameters Wind and solar time series Ambient temperature data Elevation, site position and wind turbulence parameters Loads Primary time series or daily load profile Power System Configuration and components Component performance parameters (Library) Dispatch Strategy (Library) Performance Results System design Economic Results Capital cost O&M cost Detailed Modeling

32 Hybrid2 Software Features
Probabilistic/time series model: Accounts for the fluctuations of the wind and load during each time step Very diverse system architecture AC, DC and combined systems can be modeled System can include multiple wind turbines, multiple diesels, batteries, PV and 4 different types of power converters Detailed economic analysis On line library of manufactures equipment Detailed dispatching options: 17 different control parameters Hybrid systems glossary of commonly used terms Energy audit/estimation tool Resource data gap filler

33 Hybrid2 Power System Design
The power system is designed to meet the required loads using the resources available. This requires a fair amount of hybrid system and design experience.

34 Hybrid2 Results Interface
Simulation results displayed in a graphical format as well as a summary file which includes power flows from each component, loads, and system losses.

35 HOMER and Hybrid2 Main differences
Design philosophy: Simplicity vs. flexibility Use: Optimization vs. performance predictions System configuration: HOMER output, Hybrid2 input Main differences Hybrid2 HOMER - Intra-hour variability - Easy initial use Bus voltages - Dispatch optimization Dispatch flexibility - All DG technologies - Engineering tool - Options analysis

36 These are only models! ViPOR, HOMER, and Hybrid2 do not provide "the right answer" to questions. It does help you consider important factors, and evaluate and compare options.

37 Model Availability ViPOR: Available from
HOMER: Available from Inquiries, Hybrid2: Send to Provided with software, manuals and user support. These models were developed with funding from the US Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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