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HL Postulate Lesson 3.8.

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Presentation on theme: "HL Postulate Lesson 3.8."— Presentation transcript:

1 HL Postulate Lesson 3.8

2 This only works with right triangles!
Postulate: If there exists a correspondence between the vertices of two right triangles such that the hypotenuse and a leg of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of the other triangle, the two right triangles are congruent. HL This only works with right triangles!

3 Then triangle ABC  Triangle ADC SSS
1 B 2 D 3 4 C Given: AB  AD <1  <2 Thus <3  <4 So BC  CD, AC  AC Then triangle ABC  Triangle ADC SSS

4 A B D C C Leg, right angle, hypotenuse, S A S

5 Given circle O YO ⊥ YX ZO ⊥ ZX Conclude: YX  ZX Y O X Z
Statement Reason Circle O Given OY  OZ Radii of circle are congruent (L) YO ⊥ YX, ZO ⊥ ZX Given OYX & OZX are rt s ⊥ ⇒ right  () OX  OX Reflexive (H) △OYX  △OZX HL (2, 4, 5) YX  ZX CPCTC

6 Remember, you still have three things to prove congruent:
Right angle One leg Hypotenuse

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