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GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2010-2011. Drill 1 11/7  Take out phrase activity  Homework: Comma HO 189-192 Comma quiz 11/11  Objective: SWBAT read.

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Presentation on theme: "GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2010-2011. Drill 1 11/7  Take out phrase activity  Homework: Comma HO 189-192 Comma quiz 11/11  Objective: SWBAT read."— Presentation transcript:

1 GT Frankenstein Drills Quarter 2 2010-2011

2 Drill 1 11/7  Take out phrase activity  Homework: Comma HO 189-192 Comma quiz 11/11  Objective: SWBAT read and annotate a text in order to identify plot, conflict, and theme.  Drill: Category Red/Answer in complete sentences. “Honesty is the best policy” is a common saying. Why do people sometimes ignore this advice?

3 Drill 2 11/8  Homework: Comma Quiz 11/11  Objective:SWBAT evaluate their progress in English in order to set goals for the second quarter.  Drill: Based on your performance in English during the first quarter, select a specific goal for second quarter and two actions to achieve this goal.  Example Goal:I will complete all homework on time.  Example Action: I will use my planner to record homework and check it off when it is done.  I will file all work in my binder or homework folder so I have it in class when I need it.

4 Drill 3 11/10  Homework: Comma Quiz 11/11  Objective: SWBAT use structural features in order to differentiate between science fiction and fantasy.  Drill: Fill in the blanks. 1.Use commas to items in a. 2.Use commas to two or more that come before a.

5 Drill 4 11/11  Homework: Hyphen Handout p. 218  Objective: SWBAT use structural features in order to differentiate between science fiction and fantasy.  Drill: Fill in the blanks.  3. Use a comma before,,,,, or when it joins independent clauses in a sentence.  4. Use commas to an expression that a sentence.  5. Use a comma certain elements.

6 Drill 5 11/14  Take out hyphen homework  Homework: Presentations 11/17  Objective: SWBAT locate and evaluate sources of information in order to create a presentation about science fiction and Frankenstein.  Drill: What rule is used for the hyphens in the following sentence.  The amazing nine-year-old child can play the piano like Elton John.  If you don’t know, use your notes or flashcard.

7 Drill 6 11/16 Homework: Presentations 11/17  Objective: SWBAT locate and evaluate sources of information in order to create a presentation about science fiction and Frankenstein.  Drill: Identify the subject and predicate in this sentence. Write the sentence on your drill sheet.  The only way to reach your career goals is to start reaching for them.

8 Drill 6 answer  The only way to reach your career goals is to start reaching for them.  Way—subject of the sentence  Is—linking verb (links the infinitive phrase “to start reaching”  way is to start reaching

9 Drill 7 11/17  Homework: Read From the beginning to page 18. Letters  Objective: SWBAT select a purpose, audience, and setting in order to deliver effective oral presentations.  Drill: Take out a piece of paper for notes. Review/practice your presentation. Be prepared to present.

10 Drill 8 11/22  Homework: Read Letters to page 18 complete handout  Objective: SWBAT continue to develop prior knowledge in order to understand Frankenstein.  Drill: You will have 7 minutes to respond to the following statement. You may start by creating a list of possible advances either medical or technical. Please conclude by writing sentences to describe what life might be like in 2075.  In 2075, humans will…  Think about how technology has changed society. Think about medical advances. What are the implications of possible new inventions?

11 Drill 9 11/28  Take out Frankenstein packet.  Homework: Chapters 1-5 Due 12/2. Multiple Meaning Words Quiz 12/2.  Objective: SWBAT analyze point of view as a tool in order to interpret Frankenstein.  Drill: Drill: Use context clues to define the underlined word.  You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings. (Shelley 1.)

12 Drill 9 Answer  Forebodings: Fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen

13 Drill 10 11/29  Homework: Chapters 1-5 Due 12/2. Multiple Meaning Words Quiz 12/2.  Apostrophe Packet p. 212-216  Objective: SWBAT use context and function in order to determine the meaning of words.  Drill: Determine the meaning of the underlined word based on context clues.  I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man. (Shelley 2)

14 Drill 10 Answer  Satiated: Satisfied to the full

15 Drill 11 11/30  Take our Apostrophe Packet p. 212  Homework: Chapters 1-5 Due 12/2. Multiple Meaning Words Quiz 12/2.  Objective: SWBAT correctly use an apostrophe in order to show possession and to make contractions.  Drill: Correctly punctuate the following phrases using the possessive case. 1. The students of Mrs. Demos 2. The pencil of Bill 3. The shoes of the women

16 Drill 11 answer  1. Mrs. Demos’ students  2. Bill’s pencil  3. The women’s shoes.

17 Notebook Quiz #1 Put a proper heading on your paper. 1. What is the objective for drill 5 on 11/14? 2.What is the answer to drill 10 on 11/29? 3.What are three elements of Science Fiction? 4.What is galvanism? 5.List at least one grammar rule for the use of the apostrophe.

18 Drill 12 12/2  Take out Frankenstein packet.  Homework: Read Chapters 6-9 due 12/5. Quiz on apostrophe usage 12/5.  Objective: SWBAT evaluate the role of physical, cultural, and social setting in the text in order to interpret Frankenstein.  Drill: Drill: Determine the meaning of the underlined word using context clues.  He was respected by all who knew him for his integrity and indefatigable attention to public business (Shelley 19).

19 Drill 12 answer  Indefatigable: persistently tireless

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