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AU ‘s Role in Promoting Humanitarian Coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "AU ‘s Role in Promoting Humanitarian Coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 AU ‘s Role in Promoting Humanitarian Coordination

2 BACKGROUND Added Value – Continental Integration through Consolidation of diff Legal instruments and response mechanisms and develop continent wide framework Hard Laws– Constitutive Act of the African Union - 1969 OAU Convention on Specific Aspects of Refugees in Africa - 2009 AU Convention on Protection and Assistance to IDP in Africa

3 Soft Laws - AU Humanitarian Policy - AU Disaster Risk Reduction Policy - Many Decisions, Declarations and Resolutions Partnership with Member States, RECs, National Organizations and International Organizations African Based Organizations

4 Constitutive Act Article 4(j) – Right to request intervention in order to restore peace and security The African Union shall respect the right of States Parties to request ……. (Article 8 of IDP Convention) intervention from the Union in order to restore peace and security in accordance with Article 4(j) of the Constitutive Act and thus contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for finding durable solutions to the problem of internal displacement (Article 8 of IDP Convention ) Article 4 (h) – Right to intervention pursuant to a decision of the Assembly in respect of grave circumstances, namely war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity

5 1969 OAU Convention on Refugees International Gap - `Environmental Refugees’? Amend the 1969 OAU Convention through Soft Laws

6 IHL AND TERRORISM Questions on the applicability of IHL on modern time conflicts including Terrorism given that it is not a conventional war as per IHL

7 Kampala IDP Convention Man made and Natural Disasters Article 1 K, L Development induced displacements Article 10 – Not IDPs Responsibilities – AU Article 8 29 Signatures, 13 Ratifications and 12 deposits Model Law - AUCLI

8 Humanitarian Policy Framework Challenges -Erosion of respect for core humanitarian principles -Increasing threats to the safety of Humanitarian Workers -Restriction of Humanitarian Space -Lack of Coordination at Continental level and between Continental and Regional/National levels and with International Level -Resource Gaps 351m (29 kind, 22 cash, 8 OCHA, 14)

9 Aim – Provide an appropriate Africa wide intervention mechanisms in a consistent and coherent manner -Compliment other humanitarian norms and frameworks applicable on the continent -Reinforce the role and mandate of the African Union in humanitarian response and coordination on the continent 1. Provide continental leadership 2. Promote humanitarian dialogue and create enabling space for humanitarian action

10 3. Coordination at strategic level thro dvpt. of common strategies, priorities and shared goals.. Scope – applicable to all humanitarian actors and actions on the African Continent It establishes guidelines and the broad intents, rather than procedures and processes of humanitarian action on the continent It is situated as a normative framework to be utilized in conjunction with the various norms and frameworks Focus on Preparedness, response, mitigation and capacity building

11 Disaster Response 1.AU Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Programme of Action &Hyogo Framework of Action Priority 5 – strengthen disaster preparedness and response – Response and management of disaster -Building community resilience to prepare for and recover from disasters 2. Humanitarian Policy – Humanitarian response to emergencies including ERTs, HRDs and IDRLs, linkage btw relief and development

12 Continental Structures PRC Sub-Committee on Refugees, Returnees and IDPs AUC Chairperson/HARDP Division CCAR/CCHA ACHPR African Stand by Force PAP APRM? RECs

13 Year of Shared Values Solidarity Burden sharing Hospitality …………

14 Thank You!

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