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Lon Po Po. FURIOUS Very angry AWL A small pointed tool used for making small holes in leather.

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Presentation on theme: "Lon Po Po. FURIOUS Very angry AWL A small pointed tool used for making small holes in leather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lon Po Po

2 FURIOUS Very angry

3 AWL A small pointed tool used for making small holes in leather

4 DELIGHT To have or take great pleasure

5 EMBRACE To hug

6 COOP A chicken pen

7 PEACEFULLY In a quiet way

8 CUNNING Very smart in a tricky way

9 PLUCK To pull from

10 ROUTE A road or other course used for traveling

11 CLAWS Sharp nails on the hands and feet

12 BRITTLE Easily broken

13 FETCHED To go get and bring back

14 LATCHED To hook closed

15 PLUMP Fat

16 GINGKO A type of tree Ginkgo seeds and leaves Ginkgo tree in autumn

17 PACED To walk back and forth

18 ELDEST The oldest

19 TUMBLED To roll over and over

20 OVERJOYED Very happy

21 DISGUISE To change the way one looks in order to hide one’s identity

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