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 Corridor Plan and Meeting Objective  Project Background  Short Term Improvements  Long Term Improvements/Corridor Planning  Construction Funding.

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Presentation on theme: " Corridor Plan and Meeting Objective  Project Background  Short Term Improvements  Long Term Improvements/Corridor Planning  Construction Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1  Corridor Plan and Meeting Objective  Project Background  Short Term Improvements  Long Term Improvements/Corridor Planning  Construction Funding Opportunities  Milepost 4.0  Why Corridor Planning  Other intersections/observations  Questions/comments  Breakout Sessions and Dot Exercise


3 Short term improvements – began by looking at what would be installed immediately to improve safety

4 Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 4

5 Short term intersection improvements at Row River Road MP 5.8

6 Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 5.8 included grading and vegetation removal to increase sight distance for trail users.

7 Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 11.0


9  Construction grant cycles have started:  Transportation Enhancement (TE) – pre- application due past spring; application due 12/14  State Transportation Improvement Program – deadline was 11/27/2012 for application  Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Pre- application due 12/13/2012; application due 1/25/13  Will continue to seek opportunities


11  How do we address intersection safety?  Educate  Enforce  Engineer - engineering options based on yielding  Urban areas of trail – bicyclists/pedestrians have right-0f-way - motorists must yield to bicyclists/pedestrians.

12  Engineering options based on yielding  Rural areas of trail - motorist has right-of- way. Bicyclists/pedestrians must yield to motorists

13  Completely separates motor vehicles and pedestrians/bicyclists  Safest option for all users  Most expensive option

14  Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) ▪ Changes the yielding relationship – pedestrian/bicycle users push the beacon to stop traffic





19  What option do you favor best and least?  Overcrossing – Option 1  Undercrossing - Option 2 (aligned with trail)  Undercrossing – Option 3(angled from trail; shorter tunnel)  At grade crossing (with PHB) – Option 4  Do nothing – no further improvements

20  Opportunity to evaluate entire trail





25  Please provide your feedback about design alternative for MP 4.0  Indicate most and least favored with dots  Please provide your feedback about any other issues along the trail  Make notes on large maps and intersection maps  Fill out comment cards  Talk with staff


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