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Sholom Community Alliance Annual Oy Vey 5K Run/Walk.

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Presentation on theme: "Sholom Community Alliance Annual Oy Vey 5K Run/Walk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sholom Community Alliance Annual Oy Vey 5K Run/Walk

2 Purpose A 5K Run/Walk created as a fundraiser to attract both competitive runners and amateurs from the general public – along with the families, residents, tenants, staff and friends of all Alliance facilities to join the fun – and walk or run to show their support for Sholom! * Please note our walk/run fundraiser’s name is not an original! The Hebrew Home of Greater Washington was the first to sponsor an Oy Vay 5 & 10K!

3 The 4 th Annual Oy Vey 5K is scheduled for Sunday, May 4, 2008! We were seeking an alternative to a golf tournament – which we had sponsored for many years – and a means to attract a different segment of supporters – both from within our organization & the general public

4 On your mark… Lay chairs and a committee work with staff Hire a race director (optional) Set date well in advance Determine course length/certification Establish fees/registration procedure Secure sponsorships Publicize Reserve (registration) tent, tables, etc. Order t-shirts, awards Create signs Request refreshments from vendors, supporters Enlist volunteers

5 Date, Place & Time …..can and do make a difference between your success or failure to attract participants/supporters! Consider the weather Research where and when other local races are being held Put your event on a community calendar Decide on a locale – make it “official!” Determine time frame – e.g. early morning?

6 Fees and Registration …price it so they will come! Who do you want to attract? Your organization’s supporters? Local race community? Families? Don’t charge more than other local races do Encourage early sign-ups (discounted) or charge a late fee after a certain date and/or for on-site registration

7 Make sure registration form records information you need! Contact info, including email address Gender & age T-shirt size Run or Walk preference Injury waiver statement Due dates & fees

8 Sponsorships …bottom line is how much money did you raise? Determine various levels of “giving” and what they “get” for their sponsorship Approach organization’s vendors for sponsorships or in-kind donations (food) Publicize need for sponsors through newsletters, website, board meetings, special mailings

9 Sample Sponsor Levels Gold level ($5,000): Large size logo on the back of the t-shirt Signage at the main registration tent Recognition on posters and website First option to be the Gold sponsor in the next race Silver level ($2500): Medium size logo on the t-shirt Signage at the main registration tent Recognition on posters and website Bronze level ($1000): Small size logo on the t-shirt Recognition on posters and website

10 Publicize  Send out a race brochure  Use and/or local race website to promote  Highlight on your website  Send press releases to area newspapers  Place posters in synagogues, sports/race stores, JCC, etc.  Send a race e-newsletter to VIPs

11 Get set… Rent necessary equipment – tents, chairs and tables – for registration site Order t-shirts with race logo Order trophies or medallions for winners Create signs – directing to race site, acknowledging vendors, registration, one & two- mile marks, etc. Provide water bottles, coffee, fruit or high protein snack Line up enough volunteers for set up, registration, crowd control, race marking and timing, clean-up

12 Go…..

13 What’s worked....  Enthusiastic response to a new type of fundraiser Attracted new supporters not previously associated/familiar with our organization  Enhanced awareness of the services our organization offers  Slowly but surely attracting that younger crowd More families participate each year – from babies in strollers to grandparents  We’re raising much-needed funds for recreational programming Monies raised over the past three years has ranged from $15,000 to $20,000

14 ….and what hasn’t  Grandiose expectations for raising funds Implemented first event just as we were kicking off a major Capital Campaign – “you can only go to the well so many times!”  Collecting sponsorship pledges The first year two major donors ignored repeated pleas for payment  Difficulty enlisted volunteers to solicit financial supporters Not appropriate for staff to approach vendors or others for sponsorships  Timing is everything Year three’s date conflicted with too many other community events and attendance was down

15 The Voice of Experience! Advance planning is a necessity! A certified race course will attract more participants Hire a race director – unless you have someone with that experience on staff Utilize an on-line registration service Pre-pack registration “packets” for those who pre-registered Take advantage of freebies


17 For more information, visit, call Connie Sandler at 952-939-1646 or write

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