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Presentation on theme: "MESICK CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS MAY 18, 2010 Why Walkthroughs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MESICK CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS MAY 18, 2010 Why Walkthroughs?

2 How does supervision of teaching, learning and people fit in a framework for school improvement? What are the purposes and procedures for using walkthroughs? How do walkthroughs aid alignment?

3 Well-intentioned and enlightened principals crave to be in the classroom with an eye on learning and time to be a coach, colleague, and encourages for teachers. Building a Culture of Professional Learning Walkthroughs are a way to enhance instructional leadership Focus on getting into the classrooms, teaching practices and student learning Feedback aligned with student learning, school improvement and professional development Why Walkthroughs?

4 Climate in which reform takes place Reflection on practices implemented Dialogue opportunities Creating trusting relationships

5 Walkthrough Walking Around Purpose –  teachers are held accountable for implementing the school improvement and professional development plans  Principals can assess the level of teaching and learning Purpose –  Principals are generally visible throughout the school  Principals get to know students  Principals can see the big picture for the school Walkthrough Versus Walking Around Align The Design by Nancy J. Mooney and Ann t. Mausbach

6 Walkthrough Walking Around Process –  Principals can identify specific look fors and schedule a large block of time to observe classrooms, talk to students, and examine student work to gauge the level of implementation. Process –  Principals briefly step in and out of classrooms, walk around hallways, and capture a quick look at what is happening through the school Walkthrough Versus Walking Around Align The Design by Nancy J. Mooney and Ann T. Mausbach

7 Walkthrough Walking Around Frequency –  Principals perform walkthroughs usually once per week in all classrooms in the school Duration –  Principals will spend 3-5 minutes in each classroom Frequency –  Principals walk around on a daily basis Duration –  Principals will spend a total of 20-25 minutes stepping in and out of classrooms and walking the halls Walkthrough Versus Walking Around Align the Design by Nancy J. Mooney and Ann T. Mausbach

8 Walkthrough Walking Around Feedback –  Principals will provide data, and informal conversation to validate teaching and learning practices that match the look fors Feedback –  No methods for feedback Walkthrough Versus Walking Around Align The Design by Nancy J. Mooney and Ann T. Mausbach

9 Walkthrough Process Focusing Walking Reflection Feedback Focus – allows the principal to concentrate on specific behaviors that enhance the quality of information gathered and feedback. Validates - good practice examples are gathered once everyone is clear on what it looks like Notice close approximations – provides opportunities for discussion and reflection of practice Encourage reflection – encourages ongoing professional learning by all

10 Walkthroughs are a strategy for ongoing, continuous improvement through professional discussions and learning….. Mesick Walkthrough Plan and Discussion

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