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Independent Living Research Utilization Turning Words into Action Prepared by Bob Michaels Cash and Counseling Sept. 17, 2007 Sponsored by Boston College.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Living Research Utilization Turning Words into Action Prepared by Bob Michaels Cash and Counseling Sept. 17, 2007 Sponsored by Boston College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Living Research Utilization Turning Words into Action Prepared by Bob Michaels Cash and Counseling Sept. 17, 2007 Sponsored by Boston College

2 Self advocacy is action taken on one’s own behalf to protect or improve the individual’s life circumstances.

3 Individual advocacy is assistance given to a single person which is intended to improve both the person’s life circumstances and the person’s self advocacy skills.

4 Systems advocacy is activity which has the effect of altering laws, regulations, or practices that impact large numbers of people.

5 Disability Stereotypes Limited intellect Asexual Drag on society Angry Unemployable Medically Fragile Childlike Dependent Burdens Erratic Undependable Uncontrollable Incompetent Diseased Not capable Biologically inferior Unfortunate cripples Victims Outcasts Menaces Subhuman Sick Deficient Deviant

6 If Society believes in these stereotypes... Limited intellect Asexual Drag on society Angry Unemployable Medically Fragile Childlike Dependent Burdens Erratic Undependable Uncontrollable Incompetent Diseased Not capable Biologically inferior Unfortunate cripples Victims Outcasts Menaces Subhuman Sick Deficient Deviant... Who do they elect to represent them?

7 If our representatives believe in these stereotypes... Limited intellect Asexual Drag on society Angry Unemployable Medically Fragile Childlike Dependent Burdens Erratic Undependable Uncontrollable Incompetent Diseased Not capable Biologically inferior Unfortunate cripples Victims Outcasts Menaces Subhuman Sick Deficient Deviant.... What types of laws are they likely to pass?

8 Motivation Attitudes Economic Social Politics Environment Timeliness Training Legal Enforcement Constituency Do your homework!

9 Communicating with Public Officials

10 Set appointments --and keep them

11 Prepare your presentation Who are spokespersons? What are the 2-3 main points? How long is each person speaking?

12 Establish common ground Family Community State National

13 Explain why you are the expert(s) Life experience Knowledge Background Employment Affiliations

14 Provide supporting materials Position paper Fact sheet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) State/District- specific info

15 Decision Points Identify EXACTLY what you want the person to do

16 Say what you mean.... Say... “Will you to sign on as a sponsor?” “Will you vote in favor of... ?” “Will you discuss this with the Senator?” Instead of saying... “We want your support for...” “Are you in favor of....?” “Will you share this information with the Senator?”

17 Consider friends and adversaries

18 Offer assistance Research results Contact persons Letters of support Telephone numbers

19 Show appreciation

20 Follow-up letter Review time, date, subject of meeting Thank public official Enclose promised materials, data, contacts, etc. Review commitments Commend staff

21 Why don’t people advocate for themselves?

22 Oppression the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner the feeling of being heavily burdened by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc.


24 “Covergirl”



27 When you’re fed garbage all your life, you begin to develop a taste for it. -adapted from Hale Zukas

28 Tokenism - making only an outward sign or expression Never disagree/speak up/question Allow people to act as if they understand Intimidated by credentials or degrees Allow patronizing attitudes

29 Don’t try to influence decision-making processes Don’t recruit allies/develop strategies Accept advisory rather than policy-making status Work with groups that manage instead of assist More worried about resume than responsibilities Tokenism

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