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Country Research project Goal: I will be able to use text features, text structures, note-taking with thinking maps and citations to research a country.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Research project Goal: I will be able to use text features, text structures, note-taking with thinking maps and citations to research a country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Research project Goal: I will be able to use text features, text structures, note-taking with thinking maps and citations to research a country from different types of informational text.

2 What will I need to do? Using the encyclopedia, internet, books to research country. This must include include: 1. 3-5 parts of culture. For example: people, recreation, religion ect. - Use headings, subheadings - Use bold words, italics, underlining (definitions will be put in a glossary box)

3 Continue 2. Place: Exact Location of Capital Location- landforms/features (geography) Pictures of landforms physical map A description of 1 major landform(written) 3. A chart / graph with description/caption 4. Language: put 2-3 words in glossary box.

4 Research Using Encyclopedia, internet, books. Use citation sheets for each different informational text you get information from. Each citation sheet must be filled in and include a thinking map with notes. (best is tree map)

5 Final Project Country poster Example by Ms. Morrissey Once poster is done, you will find a current event. Read, tell the text structure and do a thinking map with details. Using the thinking map with details – write a summary of the current event.

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