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MODULE 38 A Cell Extraction CELL EXTRACTION A. Objective 1. 109: Practical--Demonstrate a recognized technique for removing a resisting inmate from a.

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2 MODULE 38 A Cell Extraction

3 CELL EXTRACTION A. Objective 1. 109: Practical--Demonstrate a recognized technique for removing a resisting inmate from a cell, (cell extraction.)

4 u? B. Why is the Cell Extraction Team Important 1. Reduce/prevent injuries to staff 2. Reduce/prevent injuries to inmates 3. Reduce the violence level 4. Reduce the risk of excessive force 5. Reduce liability CELL EXTRACTION

5 C. Understanding Anger 1. Anger: common denominator of violence & a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility 2. Causes of anger a. Self is threatened CELL EXTRACTION

6 b. Survival instinct c. Loss of integrity d. Loss of self control

7 3. Negative ways of getting rid of anger 1. Displacement a. Most common against officers 2. Suppression a. Keeping it within oneself b. Can be the most volatile CELL EXTRACTION

8 D. Four Types of Anger 1. Indignation a. Anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean CELL EXTRACTION

9 2. Rage a. A violent and uncontrolled anger that can be reached within zero to one hundred twenty seconds. CELL EXTRACTION

10 3. Fury a. Most destructive, intense, disordered anger b. Bordering on madness 4. Wrath a. May imply either rage or indignation but is less likely to suggest a desire to punish CELL EXTRACTION

11 E. Reasons for Cell Extraction 1. Disciplinary problems 2. Administrative & classification decisions 3. Medical 4. Behavioral problems (mental health) 5. Transportation

12 F. The Cell Extraction Team 1. Team Leader (TL) a. Superior communication skills b. Excellent anger management CELL EXTRACTION

13 c.Excellent anger de-escalation techniques d.Command the team during stressful conditions CELL EXTRACTION

14 2. Video Team Member a. Maintain total control of himself/herself during extreme conditions b. Capture the entire incident on video. CELL EXTRACTION

15 3. Cell Extraction Team Member (CET-1) a. Strongest b. Best tactically trained c. First in the cell d. Assistant Team leader CELL EXTRACTION

16 4. “CET” MEMBERS: CET-2, CET-3 & CET-4 a. Specialized training b. Well disciplined c. All of the “CET” members are cross trained in each others roles

17 CELL EXTRACTION d. Think as a team e. Work as a team f. Achieve their objective as a team

18 5. The Cell Extraction Team a. Size of the “Cell Extraction Team” will be decided by the individual institution’s needs & staffing patterns. CELL EXTRACTION

19 b. The equipment & tactics will also be based upon the institution’s needs. c. Always follow your institution’s policy & procedure pertaining to the use of force & restraints

20 6. “CET” Equipment a. Personal body armor (Turtle suit) b. Helmet c. No shank vest d. Groin cup CELL EXTRACTION

21 e. Knee & elbow pads f. Forearm & shin guards g. Chemical mask h. Chemical agents (O.C. spray)

22 i. Restraint devices *Handcuffs *Plastic cuffs *Response belt *Stretcher/gurney CELL EXTRACTION

23 j. Batons *PR-24 *Night stick *Riot baton

24 k. Shields *concave *convex *stun CELL EXTRACTION

25 l. Weapons *shotgun - bean bag *taser *stun gun m. Canine (K-9)

26 n. ‘CET’ Tactics *Prior to the team’s confronting the uncooperative or violent inmate, the area must be clear & secure *Clear other inmates from the area, or secure inmates in their cells CELL EXTRACTION

27 ‘CET’ Tactics *Evacuate all correctional employees that are not a part of the cell extraction team *Prior to the team’s confronting the uncooperative or violent inmate, the area must be clear & secure CELL EXTRACTION

28 *Carry out this operation in accordance with your institutional policies & procedures *Assemble—by order of team leader *Brief team members on situation

29 CELL EXTRACTION *Conference with security & treatment staff *Review inmate’s base/medical files *Secure area/assign video officer

30 CELL EXTRACTION *Adhere to institutional policies & procedures *Request inmate cooperation-no harm to inmate *Order inmate be handcuffed

31 CELL EXTRACTION *Inform inmate of negative cooperation-inmate may suffer serious bodily harm and/or death *O.C. spray *Order team enter cell-must wait for order of Team leader

32 CELL EXTRACTION *Neutralize inmate *Place restraints on inmate *Place inmate on stretcher *Remove inmate *Address medical needs of inmate & team member if any

33 ‘ *Debrief *Document *Critique action *Clean, repair, replace equipment CELL EXTRACTION

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