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Burden of the Standard Bearer A burden of love and dedication for the sake of Allah.

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2 Burden of the Standard Bearer A burden of love and dedication for the sake of Allah

3 Our Legacy to the World….. What do we want it to be?

4 4 If the following organizations are wiped off the face of the earth, what would be lost to you and me? Boeing Motorola Nokia Jesuit Schools

5 So lets ask the people of the world, both Muslim and non- Muslim………... If Islam and all its signs were wiped off the face of the earth, what would be lost for you? What do you think they would say?

6 6 Allahs purpose for us You are the best of people Extracted (chosen) for (the benefit of) mankind; enjoining what is right forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah. (3:110)

7 7 What we forgot.. We were sent to benefit the whole world and all who live in it Islam is as much a social reform system as it is a theological concept The path to peoples hearts, lies in the solution of their daily problems Are we fulfilling our purpose?

8 So where did we go wrong? Seeing our history in perspective

9 9 Perspective is the ability to hold two pictures simultaneously in your mind… where you are and where you want to be. Perspective A nation that does not learn from its history is condemned to repeat it A nation that does not learn from its history is condemned to repeat it

10 10 Standard setters vs followers The Prophet changed the perspective of his Companions by giving them a Standard. For 300 years they set the standard of morality, courage, chivalry, and justice which they demonstrated in all aspects of their public and private life. But slowly we forgot our purpose and the decline began

11 11 Ideology impacts! Nations rise and fall and have a lasting impact and influence due to ideology.. Not merely due to military might or wealth. Historical comparison: Romans, Goths/Barbarians, Tartars, Muslims Ideology often outlasts its own proponents

12 12 Rome-The Model Empire The secret of Rome's success had less to do with spears and centurions than with culture, psychology, media and technology. In the New World, the American domination of the globe owes a great deal to the Roman example. The Roman Empire may belong to ancient history, but its echoes resonate through today's structures of international power and control. Jonathan Freedland, National Geographic Yet the Muslims beat the Romans. Why and How?

13 13 Case in point.. The British are good people. They accept our ways and adopt our customs easily. Little do they realize that these are the symbols of their slavery. (Comment of a Roman historian just 30 years after the Roman invasion of Britain) Whose standards are visible in our own lives?

14 Historical Mistake of Muslims We threw the baby out with the bath water.

15 15 Joint Responsibility The so-called learned people in worldly affairs made no effort to learn the Deen and the gap between the Ulema and the ordinary people grew and continues to grow Ordinary people forgot that the solutions to their problems lie in the Deen Because Deen is not the opposite of Duniya It is the name of the way to live in the Duniya Because Deen is not the opposite of Duniya It is the name of the way to live in the Duniya

16 16

17 17 Making the connection Then you remember me and I will remember you. O! Your who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and salah: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (2:152-3) Because salah is the best of the zaraya of the life of this world Because salah is the best of the zaraya of the life of this world

18 18 The Peak was the Decline When the focus shifted from setting standards to imitating and competing … the decline began. When we forgot the purpose of our creation and compromised our standards and sold our ideology for a few pieces of silver. Today we have wealth but no influence or power

19 19 Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds that last, are better with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope. (18:46)

20 20 Secret of Muslim success ….. As long as we remembered our ideology and purpose; Tawhid and Daawa; we influenced the minds of the world and people adopted our ways and benefited. But when we became imitators… The bell tolled for us too

21 21 The Path of Decline Innovations & shirk crept into the practice of Islam in the name of spirituality, tradition, local customs etc. Pursuit of worldly pleasure became universal Ulema who objected to this were persecuted mercilessly; from Abu Hanifa (R) to Ibn Taymiyya (R) People lost sight of how the Deen could make them winners in the Duniya so they abandoned it. We forgot that the Aakhira is the reward for practicing Deen in the Duniya We forgot that the Aakhira is the reward for practicing Deen in the Duniya

22 22 Mongols & Spanish Inquisition Muslim scientists were killed, records were destroyed and what remained was adopted by Europe leading to their Renaissance. Theology was protected and hidden from the masses in religious schools and largely became the property of the scholars Theology and Science got separated as in the Christian Church Theology and Science got separated as in the Christian Church

23 23 What we forgot We were sent to lead; not to follow. We were sent with the formula for success in this life and the next. We were supposed to demonstrate this, not merely talk about it. We forgot that we were the Standard Bearers

24 The path to peoples hearts.. Lies in showing them solutions to their daily problems

25 So where are we now? Which is more visible in our lives today? Setting standards or imitating?

26 26 Global situation today Oppression of the many by the few Self indulgence is the ultimate goal Leaders are blatant criminals Accountability is ignored or denied Justice has many interpretations A world where the self is worshipped

27 27 Resilience is the key.. Face the brutal facts …….. But never lose hope in our eventual success Remember – Its only losers who make excuses Remember – Its only losers who make excuses

28 28 Window of Opportunity In the life of every man and woman comes a time when they have a unique opportunity to make an impact and influence others. Those who succeed, are the ones who anticipate and prepare for it and recognize it and act when it opens. Our window is open now. Are we ready?

29 The Burden of the Standard Bearer Performing a labor of love

30 30 The Challenge Show how the Quran and Sunnah are relevant in todays worldly life Show the way to practice the Islamic Way of Life in todays context Show how Islam differentiates the Muslim and makes him a winner in both worlds Create teachers who can replicate this model in every society throughout the world Show how – Not merely talk about it

31 31 What does Islam have to offer to the World today? 1. A democratic model of government based on the selection of the best in character and piety. 2. An economic model based on helping each other and sharing resources and social responsibility. 3. A moral order based on the consciousness of accountability to Allah who knows all. 4. A model of scientific development based on research taking hints of the marvels of creation mentioned in the Quran. Are we willing to demonstrate this and show the way?

32 The Quranic Model The correct sequence of learning that leads to success in both lives

33 33 The Quran teaches us the relationship between recognizing the Creator and knowledge of His creation The Quran teaches us the relationship between recognizing the Creator and knowledge of His creation

34 34 Combining Theology & Science Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed Signs for People of Understanding. People who celebrate the praises of Allah standing sitting and lying down on their sides And contemplate (research, enquire) the Creation in the heavens and the earth (with the thought): "Our Lord! not for nothing have You created (all) this! Glory be to You! Save us from the penalty of the fire. Our purpose is to show this connection

35 Why versus How The problem with Western education

36 36 Why versus How When you ask Why something happens, science tells you How it happens. How is method. Why is Purpose

37 37 Why do rogue waves rise so high? Waves coming at different speeds from different directions suddenly meet and mingle into one big rogue wave. Strong waves collide with fast-flowing ocean currents coming from the opposite direction, slowing down the waves so that they pile up and form rogue waves. Are these answers to the question: Why?

38 38 Science versus Islam The purpose of science is to peel back the layers of the appearance of objects to reveal their underlying nature. It is the purpose of Islam to peel back the layers of the appearance of objects to reveal their underlying purpose. Think of Imaan Bil Ghaib in this context!!

39 An Example The benefit of explaining science using the Quran

40 40 The Big Dilemma Hyperspace theory tells us that when the universe stops expanding and starts contracting it will end in an enormous production of heat which will vaporize everything How can intelligent life escape the Big Crunch? We need to tear space and escape into another dimension

41 41 The Quran; the Book of Signs; not science The Quran; the Book of Signs; not science

42 42 The Quran solves the mystery Verily the Day of Decision is a fixed time. The Day when the Trumpet will be blown and you shall come forth in crowds (groups after groups). And the heaven shall be opened and it will become gates. And the mountains shall be moved away from their places and they will be as if they were a mirage. (78:17-20) The Quran begins where science ends

43 43 The Challenge To bridge this gap between the knowledge of Experimentation and Revelation Introduce the Creator into secular scientific syllabi so that scientists dont waste time searching for 1300 years to find an answer that existed before they started looking. Introduce the Creator to His creatures

44 44

45 45 Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repentance) Say, Travel in the land and see what was the end of those before you! Most of them were Mushrikun (people who join partners with Allah) ( 30:41-42)

46 46 The Reality Allah has linked our life conditions to our actions and not to our possessions. For conditions to change, actions must change first

47 47 Todays paradox To disobey Allah is not only accepted but is considered the right of the individual We call this, life style choice, adult consent and so on. Yet we want peace, plenty, comfort, safety But goodness lies only in the obedience to the Creator

48 The World Desperately Needs Standard Bearers

49 49 Who are Standard Bearers? 1.Totally motivated and inspired by the standard they love and respect and feel privileged to bear 2.Genuinely believe in its superiority over other ways 3.Differentiate themselves with pride and confidence on the basis of the standard they exemplify 4.Willing to be held accountable by the world for adhering to their standard They are the ones who provide the benchmark for the world to judge itself. They are the ones who provide the benchmark for the world to judge itself.

50 50 Differentiation is key The willingness to be different is a sign of leadership Show how the difference is beneficial by practicing it Wear your difference with pride and confidence Only a dead fish goes with the current

51 51 Hadith of the Ghuraba Abu Huraiyra (RA) narrates that the Prophet said: Islam started as something strange, and it shall return as it started, therefore give glad tidings to the strangers. Muslim Kitab-ul-Iman (1/84) The willingness to be different is an essential quality of leadership The willingness to be different is an essential quality of leadership

52 52 Our Standard You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in the praise of Allah. (33:21)

53 53 5 – Critical Qualities 1.Passionate desire to work for Islam 2.Drive for excellence in everything 3.Understanding the correct priority 4.Attitude towards life 5.Willingness to commit yourself Qualities of the Prophet and His Companions

54 Our Challenge going forward Theres no earthly force that can stop an idea whose time has come.

55 55 The Idea Research in the Quran and Sunnah and define specific attitudes & actions in each discipline or field of endeavor where the Muslims practice of Islam in that field will differentiate him from others. Create propagators who will become living Standard Bearers for the Islamic Way Because the Prophet came to demonstrate

56 56 Our Window of Opportunity Very small in time in relation to the life of this world Very important and significant in relation to its impact on our Aakhira Its time to make a choice

57 57 And whosoever has taqwa and fears Allah Allah will make a way out (of every difficulty) for him. And He will provide him from (sources/means) he could never imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah He will be sufficient for him. (65:2-3) The Promise of Allah

58 People remember us not by what we consumed - But by what we contributed Are we ready to be Standard Bearers of Islam? Are we ready to be Standard Bearers of Islam?

59 May Allah Subhanahu wa taala reward you all with the best

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