Part IV Proficiency 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - Focus on Spiraling Proficiency Levels & Impact of Formative Assessment Summer Institute (SI) 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Part IV Proficiency 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - Focus on Spiraling Proficiency Levels & Impact of Formative Assessment Summer Institute (SI) 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part IV Proficiency 101 - - - - - - - - - - - - Focus on Spiraling Proficiency Levels & Impact of Formative Assessment Summer Institute (SI) 2012

2 Part IV Objectives By the end of Part IV, I will be able to: Identify the proficiency level targeted in an assessment. Help students use the LinguaFolio® checklists to identify what they need to do to demonstrate performance at the targeted proficiency level.

3 ACTFL Proficiency Levels Superior-Distinguished-Native Advanced Intermediate Novice Novice – Word Level Communicate minimally with formulaic and rote utterances, lists and phrases Intermediate – Sentence Level Create with language, initiate, maintain and bring to a close simple conversations by asking and responding to simple questions Advanced – Paragraph Level Narrate and describe in past, present and future and deal effectively with an unanticipated complication

4 ACTFL Proficiency Levels Novice (Parrot) Intermediate (Survivor) Advanced (Storyteller)

5 Activity: ACTFL Proficiency Level Posters 1.Look through the 3 posters showing proficiency outcomes for Modern Language - High School Credit Courses. 2.Share your observations and questions.

6 Proficiency Expectations Alphabetic Languages Alphabetic Languages NoviceIntermediateAdvanced Interpersonal (NA for Classical Languages) Levels I, IILevels III, IV, VLevels VI, VII, VIII Interpretive Levels I, IILevels III, IV, VLevels VI, VII, VIII Presentational Levels I, II, III Levels I, II Levels IV, V, VI Levels III, IV, V Levels VII, VIII Levels VI, VII, VIII

7 Proficiency Expectations Logographic Languages Logographic Languages NoviceIntermediateAdvanced Interpersonal Levels I, IILevels III, IV, VLevels VI, VII, VIII Interpretive Levels I, II, IIILevels IV, V, VILevels VII, VIII Presentational Levels I, II, III, IV, VLevels V, VI, VII, VIII

8 Proficiency Expectations Visual Languages Visual Language NoviceIntermediateAdvanced Interpersonal Levels I, IILevels III, IV, V, VILevels VII, VIII Interpretive: Receptive & Fingerspelling Levels I, II Level I Levels III - VII Levels II, III, IV, V Level VIII Levels VI, VII, VIII Presentational Expressive & Glossing Levels I, II, III Levels I, II Levels IV, V, VI Levels III, IV, V, VI Levels VII, VIII

9 Proficiency: What Does It Look and Sound Like? ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 Latest revisions include Distinguished New website with guidelines and samples in English for listening, reading, speaking and writingNew website Samples in target languages coming soon!

10 Activity: ACTFL Speaking Proficiency Examples Native Distinguished Superior Advanced Intermediate Novice

11 Activity: COs & Proficiency Levels With a partner or two... 1.Read the slips of paper in an envelope on your table that have different sets of Clarifying Objectives (COs). 2.Create a proficiency chart by placing each group of COs under the appropriate mode of communication and at the correct proficiency sublevel.

12 LinguaFolio® 3 components –Biography –Passport or Global Profile –Dossier Self-assessment checklists Teacher & Administrator PerspectivesSelf-assessment checklists 2012-2013 LF Resources

13 Activity: Learning Scenarios – 1 of 3 1.Read the 3 sets with 3 scenarios each describing summative, end-of-unit assessments. 2.Identify the proficiency level for each set: Novice Intermediate Advanced

14 Activity: Learning Scenarios – 2 of 3 3.Choose 1 of the 9 scenarios and select one skill that it focuses on: –Interpersonal –Interpretive Listening –Interpretive Reading –Presentational Speaking –Presentational Writing 4.Pull that skill’s LinguaFolio self- assessment checklist 5.Decide which “I can” statements might be checked-off based on the student’s demonstration or artifact

15 Part IV Reflection Please respond to these statements in your Penzu journal. Yes, easily and well Still one of my goals 1.I can identify the proficiency level targeted in an assessment. 2. I can help students use the LinguaFolio checklists to identify what they need to do to demonstrate performance at the targeted proficiency level.

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