JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

2 JEOPARDY! Identifying Moon Phases I Unit Vocabulary Identifying Moon Phases II Various Phases Questions Planets 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

3 Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect!
DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

4 Identify this phase of the Moon.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

5 What is the waning crescent Moon?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

6 Identify this phase of the Moon.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

7 What is the first quarter Moon?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

8 Identify this phase of the Moon.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

9 What is the New Moon phase?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

10 Identify this phase of the Moon.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

11 What is the last (or 3rd) quarter Moon?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

12 Identify this phase of the Moon.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

13 What is the waning gibbous phase?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

14 This is why the Moon appears to move across the sky at night.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

15 What is the Earth rotates?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

16 The Moon’s phase appears to be between half and full.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

17 What is gibbous? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

18 The Moon does this around the Earth.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

19 What is revolves? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

20 The right-hand side of the Moon appears to be getting larger.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

21 What is waxing? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

22 The Moon appears to be getting smaller.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

23 What is waning? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

24 Identify the phase. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

25 What is the first quarter?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

26 The phase of the Moon (where the arrow is pointing).
Daily Double!!! The phase of the Moon (where the arrow is pointing). Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

27 What is the new Moon? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

28 Identify the phase. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

29 What is the full Moon? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

30 Identify the phase. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

31 What is the waning crescent?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

32 Identify the phase. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

33 What is the waxing gibbous?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

34 The Earth is ________ on its axis.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

35 What is rotating? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

36 The light we see from the Moon is reflected __________.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

37 What is sunlight? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

38 The Earth is _____________ around the Sun.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

39 What is revolving? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

40 Identify the phase. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

41 What is the waxing crescent?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

42 This group of planets. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

43 What are the rocky planets?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

44 This is a quick streak in the sky that last for a few seconds.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

45 What is a meteor? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

46 This part of the comet. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

47 What is the tail? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

48 Neptune is classified as this type of planet.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

49 What is a gas giant? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

50 These objects come from this part of the Solar System.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

51 What is the Asteroid Belt?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

52 Astronomers use these on Earth and in space to study the Solar System and universe.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

53 What are telescopes? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

54 The United States has sent four rovers to study this planet.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

55 What is Mars? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

56 Spacecraft send signals to Earth and are received by this type of telescope.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

57 What is a radio telescope?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

58 This telescope studies the universe above the Earth’s atmosphere.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

59 What is the Hubble Space Telescope?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

60 This is the only world, other than Earth, where humans have walked.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

61 What is the Moon? Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

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