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Making a major purchase which involves choosing between several options.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a major purchase which involves choosing between several options."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a major purchase which involves choosing between several options

2 Finding out exactly what is required for your child’s homework

3 Preparing for an open evening about your child’s progress

4 Encouraging your child to sort out an argument for themselves

5 Solving a murder

6 Helping your child choose school options

7 Asking for something in a shop when you don’t know what it’s called

8 Applying for a new job

9 Finding out what is wrong with your child who is unhappy at school

10 Planning a meal

11 Eyewitness testimony

12 Choosing a holiday

13 Interviewing someone for a new job

14 Looking for a lost pair of trainers at school

15 Planning a wedding or special event

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