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5-Model 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man.

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Presentation on theme: "5-Model 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man."— Presentation transcript:

1 5-Model 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man


3 MAN: Meeting A Need

4 1:About The U-Can! Man 1)What Is The U-CAN! Man? A Bridge Builder 2) What Does The U-Can! Man Do? Give HOPE 3) What Is the U-Can! Man Message? U-CAN!

5 1:About The U-Can! Man 4) What Does The U-Can! Man Want? To Help People 5) What Is The U-Can! Man Desire? To Make A Difference 6) What Is The U-Can! Man Favorite Animal? The Skunk

6 1: About The U-Can! Man Acronyms 7: BAM-BAAAM Business An Ministry Before, At, An, After Mid-night 8: MADD Making A Difference Daily 9:RARE River An Reservoir Everyday

7 MAN: Meeting A Need 1-About The U-Can! Man

8 1: U-Can! Be Outstanding 2: U-Can! Be Awesome 3: U-Can! Be Great 2-Mission Tell The People U-Can!

9 2-Mission 4: U-Can! Be Unique 5: U-Can! Be Fantastic 6: U-Can! Be Exceptional

10 2-Mission 7: U-Can! Be Brave 8: U-Can! Be Magnificent 9: U-Can! Be Extraordinary

11 MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man

12 3-Motivation 1: Outstanding Performance 2: Example For Others 3: Unbelievable Work

13 3-Motivation 4: Spectacular Work 5: Inspiring Others 6: Making Others Smile

14 3-Motivation Be Able To Say: 7: Youre The Greatest 8: Youre Catching On 9: Youre Very Responsible

15 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man

16 4-Mind Say To Yourself: 1: What A Genius 2: Youre A Winner 3: You Got What It Takes

17 4-Mind 4: Youre So Kind 5: Youre Brilliant 6: Youre Sensational

18 4-Mind 7: Youre Tough 8: You Came Through 9: A+ Work

19 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man

20 5-Model ABCs 1: U-Can! Achieve, Believe, Conceive 2: Get MADD 7 Times (All & Below Daily In Life) 3: 1) Making A Dream Realizing what God has given you the ability to do. Envisioning what it would be like if you realized your full God-given potentialhow it would look, how it would feel, how it would change your life and the lives of others. Letting the vision form in the back of your mind and inspire you, every day and every night.

21 5-Model 4: 2) Making A Desire Aligning your will with Gods so that you want for yourself the same things that He wants for you. Giving your dream as much thought and space as you give to your other personal desires, until you see how everything you want for yourself does or does not fit into Gods plan. 5: 3) Making A Decision Committing yourself to following your dream. Deciding that you are going to realize that potential, and it wont just be a dream any longer. Beginning to say when instead of if. 6: 4) Making A Determination Identifying everything in your life that is keeping you from wholeheartedly pursuing your dream. Having the willpower to shut these influences out of your life until your goal is achieved, focusing entirely on the results that you and God will reap.

22 5-Model 7: 5) Making A Drive Pushing yourself a little bit more today than you did yesterday, and planning to go even further tomorrow. Discovering the exhilaration that comes from realizing what you are truly capable of, and letting it propel you so hard and fast that getting sidetracked or discouraged is not an option. 8: 6) Making A DOG (Dependence On God) Realizing that when you are pursuing Gods will, He will supply you with all the energy, all the resources, all the strength, and all the hope that you would not be able to draw from yourself otherwise. Acknowledging that you are only a reflection of Gods glory, and letting His glory shine through you. 9: 7) Making A Difference. Becoming the person that God meant you to be, and inspiring the rest of His people to do the same!

23 5-Model 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1: If I-Can, U-Can!

24 5-Model 4-Mind 3-Motivation MAN: Meeting A Need 2-Mission 1-About The U-Can! Man

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