MAMA - Network Project WP 7. MAMA-AWARE Coordinated by UNEP/MAP (MB 11) – MED POL Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "MAMA - Network Project WP 7. MAMA-AWARE Coordinated by UNEP/MAP (MB 11) – MED POL Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAMA - Network Project WP 7. MAMA-AWARE Coordinated by UNEP/MAP (MB 11) – MED POL Unit

2 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 18-24 month achievements Task 7.1. National Awareness meetings During this period the National responsible partners were involved in carrying out the following tasks: Carry out further consultations with key national stakeholders Establish and report the members of national organizing committees Establish and report time schedules of the meetings Prepare national reports on MAMA/MEDGOOS and related national activities, to be included in the conference pack material. Conduct the National Awareness Meetings scheduled for months 18-24 Continue the promotion of National awareness Meetings scheduled for months 24-30.

3 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 18-24 month achievements (continued) Task 7.1. National Awareness meetings (continued) The Work-package 7 leader in cooperation with the MAMA Secretariat were involved in carrying out the following tasks: Provide follow-up and assistance for the smooth conduction of the National Awareness meetings through close cooperation with national responsible partners, ensuring the availability of expert speakers from the MAMA consortium when requested from the national responsible partners, and the timely availability of conference pack documents and other material Written contributions from the MAMA Coordinator and MAMA Secretariat, to complement the conference pack material for the National Awareness Meetings, with important documents made available on the MAMA website

4 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 18-24 month achievements (continued) Task 7.2. General Awareness National responsible partners continued to provide reports on the country awareness activities The work package leader and MAMA national responsible partners continued to provide regular information on the progress of the project and on the MAMA national awareness meetings, through the MAMA website and national outlets.

5 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 24-30 month tasks ahead Task 7.1 National Awareness Meetings (NAM) The MAMA national responsible partners are expected to be involved in the following tasks: Conduction of National Awareness Meetings scheduled for months 24-30 Continue promotion of NAM Send in reports of NAM already conducted The Work-package 7 leader and MAMA Secretariat are expected to be involved in the following tasks: Provide follow-up and assistance for the smooth conduction of the NAM through: Assistance to national responsible partners when requested Ensuring availability of experts from the MAMA consortium upon request from countries Ensuring timely availability of conference pack documents and other material Follow-up and review of reports of NAM conducted in months 12-24

6 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 24-30 month tasks ahead (continued) Task 7.2 General Awareness MAMA national responsible partners are expected to continue to provide updates on their national awareness activities The Work-package 7 leader in cooperation with the MAMA national responsible partners are to continue providing regular information to the partners and the public on the progress of the project, through the MAMA website and national outlets. They are also expected to continue providing information to the partners and the public on the MAMA National Awareness Meetings through the MAMA website and national outlets including a calendar of the meetings.

7 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE 24-30 month tasks ahead (continued) Task 7.3 MAMA -MedGOOS Commitments Meeting A the end of the project a MAMA general conference will be held, consisting of a technical meeting, back to back with a ministerial commitments meeting to present the achievements of MAMA and the way forward. The ministerial meeting will aim to obtain consensus on the implementation of the Mediterranean forecasting system at governmental level. The technical meeting will have the participation of a wide audience including managers and decision-makers, members from national marine authorities as well as from the marine-related industries and services sector. Preparations for these two meetings will start during months 24-30

8 WP 7. MAMA-AWARE Calendar of National Awareness Meetings 12/2002-06/2004 December 2002: Greece (3 rd – 6 th ) March 2003: Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro) May 2003: France (21 st -22 nd ) June 2003: Italy (3 rd )Turkey (13 th ) September 2003: Israel(10 th ) October 2003: Bosnia & Herzegovina (13 th ), December 2003: Egypt, Palestine January 2004: Slovenia, Malta March 2004: Albania, Spain April 2004: Croatia May 2004: Syria (last updated January 2004)

9 MAMA National Awareness Meetings Status January 2004 Country Meeting Report Albania Set for March 2004 Algeria Date Pending Bosnia & Herzegovina Conducted October 2003 Submitted Croatia Set for April 2004 Cyprus Date Pending Egypt Conducted December 2003 Pending France Conducted May 2003 Submitted Greece Conducted December 2002 Submitted Israel Conducted September 2003 Pending Italy Conducted June 2003 Pending Lebanon Date Pending Libya Date Pending Malta Set for January 2004 Morocco Date Pending Palestine December 2003 (achievement not yet confirmed) Slovenia Set for January 2004 Spain Set for March 2004 Syria Set for May 2004 Tunisia Date Pending Turkey Conducted June 2003 Pending Yugoslavia Conducted March 2003 Pending

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