OTP-ValidationService: Summary, Status, and Next Steps OTPS Workshop, February 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "OTP-ValidationService: Summary, Status, and Next Steps OTPS Workshop, February 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 OTP-ValidationService: Summary, Status, and Next Steps OTPS Workshop, February 2006

2 OTP-ValidationService (OTP- VS) Overview OTP-VS uses XML Schema, defines a web service request/response protocol to validate OTP credentials Using OTP-VS, a relying party (RP) can ask an authentication service (AS) whether OTP data that it has received successfully authenticates a claimant OTP-VS uses OTP-WSS-Token to represent OTP data Supports ancillary OTP-related functions (obtaining challenges, PIN management, resynchronization) Validation transactions can be secured "in band" within OTP-VS protocol (using XML Signature, XML Encryption), externally (e.g., SSL/TLS, IPsec, WSS:SMS), or by relying on security properties of environment Generic service can be profiled to support the needs of particular OTP methods

3 OTP-VS Usage Scenario ClaimantRPAS Application Request with OTP OTP-VS User OTP-VS operates in a web service environment; claimant-RP protocol can be arbitrary

4 OTP-VS Premises and Assumptions RP has prior knowledge of the set of OTP methods that the AS supports Depending on method and situation, an OTP-VS transaction may span one or more request-response round trips For example, could request and obtain challenge, then provide an OTPToken based on the challenge to be validated RequestID and SessionID identify a message's transaction, SequenceID supports sequence integrity Two-level status framework: transaction status, credential status SOAP binding defined, other bindings possible

5 Draft 4 Status Current Draft 4 released January 2006, relatively few changes from Draft 3 Added AuxiliaryValidationData, replacing ExtendedStatusCode with more general approach Extended CertHash to bind VS as well as RP Removed remaining PIN management references Allowed advisory, non-failure LostToken status Various clarifications and editorial changes Unless significant issues identified, expect to declare this as final OTP-VS 1.0 draft following workshop

6 Draft 3 status (1 of 2) Draft 3 (November 2005) responded to issues discussed on list and at October workshop Expanded string comparison rules Additional error codes (SignatureValidationFailed, SignatureRequired, DecryptionFailed) Removed PIN management from scope Separated request from response payloads Allowed challenge requests to identify user and/or OTP component

7 Draft 3 status (2 of 2) Additional changes in Draft 3: Added CertHash to bind requester with certificate Described that values are generally defined at method level, included usage example Also defined specific method-independent s: LostToken, ExpiredToken, PINUpdate Clarified end-user display (and associated internationalization) as out of scope, given functional focus on adminstrator interaction Various other clarifications, simplifications, editorial changes

8 Areas Intended for Support, Independent Validation Sought Challenge-response profile Indicating authentication strength within verification responses Example included in current draft Supporting multiple challenge-response sets

9 OTP-VS Next Steps Confirmation of document content as V1.0 Consideration of profiles for additional OTP methods Profiles can be specified separately from base document Possible contribution of document to external forum?

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