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Presentation on theme: "WRITING A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) Hashem Oudeh."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a CV and why do I need one?
Origin is Latin – ‘Course of ones life’ A CV is an essential tool in searching for a job. A CV is a tool to promote yourself. The employer does not know you, and the CV is your first point of contact, therefore it is vitally important that your CV stands out and is presented well. If you are invited for an interview, you would then be in a position to explain and expand on what is in your CV. Hashem Oudeh

3 Putting together a CV A CV Should Contain: 1. Cover letter
2. Basic contact information 3. Education 4. Employment History 5. Professional Achievements/Other qualifications/languages 6. Interests 7. References Optional: Personal Objective Statement – should be placed after basic contact information if you don’t use a cover letter. Hashem Oudeh

4 1. Writing a Cover letter A cover letter is advised. It is a way to formally introduce yourself and a professional way to submit your CV. A few short paragraphs stating (no more than half a page): The information about the add. I.e.. Where you found the add and what date it was advertised. Make sure you include the job reference number if there is one If you have any previous experience, ensure you mention work or trainee experience If you have not been employed before. A little about yourself i.e.. You are versatile, a very quick thinker and passionate about the industry. List any other skills/qualifications you have, such a language skills Finish with your contact details and how very forward you are to hearing from them. Hashem Oudeh

5 2. Personal Information Full Name Address
Contact Information: - Telephone - address Some employees may request further information including: Date of Birth Marital Status Hashem Oudeh

6 3. Education Most current qualification first
Ensure the schools name is spelt in full Ensure you list the year of graduation Example: June University of Washington Seattle, WA Master of Business Administration Certificate programs listed Additional awards, honors Hashem Oudeh

7 4. Employment History Most current employment first
(chronological order) List the organisations full name List the location of the organisation List the year from and to that you were employed List your position title List details of your position. Remember: You should change this information slightly to suit each job you are applying for. Example: IT EXECUTIVE - apple computers Pty Ltd Washington May 2003 – June 2005 Responsibilities included:, -Managing internal and external technical issues, these included:…. -Overseeing budgets for 3 departments. This requires constant negotiations with different heads of departments, a strong accounting and financial understanding…… Hashem Oudeh

8 5. Professional Achievements
This is an opportunity for you to list any Professional Achievements or Awards. This can also include other professional qualifications not directly related to the position. Languages; fluency and level i.e.. Conversational or fluent in…… Drivers licenses i.e.. Truck/car/bus Other certificates Computer application competencies Hashem Oudeh

9 6. Personal Objective Note:
Usually the objective statement includes 1-3 lines of text, and should summarize your career aspirations. What are your career goals? What are your main qualifications - strengths, skills, areas of expertise? What position are you seeking? What type of organization would you like to work for Example: To obtain a position in the ______ field where I can utilize my work experience and education to improve the company's operation. I bring to this position…… Note: If you write a cover letter you may not need a personal objective as you will have covered this in the cover letter. Hashem Oudeh

10 7. References Include the name & contact number of a referee.
If you have not been employed before list the name of your volunteer placement officer, or trainee officer. If you have none of the above list people not directly related to you who can provide a ‘character’ reference. It is very important you inform your referees you are putting their details on your CV. You can write on your CV that ‘ references are available Upon request’ if you prefer not to provide this information Hashem Oudeh

11 Layout and Design Use plain font. Ariel, Times New Roman or Courier.
Use BLACK font only Keep the readable size between point Avoid Italic or fancy script Avoid graphics and shading Bullet points should be used to a minimum If your CV is more than a page use a footer, that lists your name and page number. Be creative Hashem Oudeh

12 Use Of Language A CV not only represents your skills and education, but shows your potential employer your ability to correctly put together a document, compose sentences and your competency in written English. Ask someone for help (teacher) if you are not confident which your written English skills. The following words can be used to help strengthen your CV and give a positive impression. Hashem Oudeh

13 Good Words to Use Decreased Defined Delivered Demonstrated Designed Determined Developed Devised Diagnosed Directed Distributed Documented Doubled Drove Earned Eliminated Encouraged Engineered Ensured Established Estimated Evaluated Expanded Facilitated Forecast Formulated Founded Generated Guided Identified Implemented Improved Improvised Increased Initiated Inspired Accomplished Achieved Administered Advised Analysed Approved Arranged Assessed Assisted Attained Budgeted Built Calculated Captured Centralised Checked Collected Combined Completed Composed Conceived Conducted Consolidated Consulted Controlled Converted Coordinated Corrected Created Cut Installed Instigated Instructed Interpreted Introduced Machined Maintained Managed Marketed Modernized Monitored Motivated Negated Negotiated Obtained Operated Organised Performed Planned Prepared Presented Processed Promoted Redesigned Reduced Reorganized Represented Researched Resolved Reviewed Revised Scheduled Sold Solved Specified Standardised Started Strengthened Structured Supervised Supported Tested Trained Translated Uncovered Utilised Verified Widened Won Hashem Oudeh

14 SUMMARY Ensure you SPELLCHECK and proof read your work before sending. Ask a friend to read it Have a professional account set up separate from your personal . Always focus on strengths. Do not use words you do not understand Do not lie in your CV. If you get an interview or the job you will be expected to know this information Hashem Oudeh

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