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Final Project Report of. Outline  What is it?  Initial Feature List  Final Feature List  Sprint Overview and Challenges  Limitations  Lessons learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project Report of. Outline  What is it?  Initial Feature List  Final Feature List  Sprint Overview and Challenges  Limitations  Lessons learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project Report of

2 Outline  What is it?  Initial Feature List  Final Feature List  Sprint Overview and Challenges  Limitations  Lessons learned  Demo  Questions

3 What is it?  Based on original Portal By Valve  Puzzle game Use “portals” to navigate level Get to exit

4 Initial Feature List  Sound interface  Menu System  Level Design and Implementation  Physics  Portal System  Control Interface  Object Design and Implementation

5 Final Feature List  Sound interface  Menu System  Level Design and Implementation  Physics  Portal System  Control Interface  Object Design and Implementation

6 Sprint Overview  In the beginning, slow start Unsure about deliverables Research  About halfway through the semester, picked up pace

7 Sprint Overview SprintDavidCharlie 0Design 1Portal ThreadCollision Detection 2TextureCollision Detection 3AnimationPhysics 4Input, Resource Management Testing & Debug, Trigger Referencing 5Testing & DebugCamera/Portal/Art 6Door/Button/etc.MORE DEBUGING! And Art

8 Challenges  Charlie Collision detection did work out as expected Code turned out somewhat awkward Rewritten detection several times ○ Tried SAT ○ Tried time of collision using linear interpolation The corners of the boundaries were a problem Actor-Actor Repositioning

9 Challenges  David Learning Android ○ Strange Memory Management for Textures ○ Java Buffers Animation format ○ Too general  There are no game engines Had to do everything ourselves

10 Challenges  Implemented RMMM Optimized throughout ○ Emulator was slow Screen too small ○ Implemented camera movement Ran out of time ○ Concentrated on core functions ○ Two levels Simple and Complex

11 Architecture

12 Limitations  Hardcoded levels  Buggy Collision Actor-Actor Corner Collision  Emulator  Uniform frame size throughout Sprite  Hardcoded limits in Collision Manager

13 Lessons Learned  Problems with design caused some spaghetti code Refactoring interfaces in middle of development  Charlie Should have used a different method for collision ○ Resolve collisions based on the earliest “time of collision” ○ Should have used an engine Mathematics of collisions

14 Lessons Learned  David Fixed point arithmetic ARM processors ○ No FPU on some processors Native Memory Management in Java ○ We didn’t know that it existed Should’ve decoupled Actors from Triggers Less Inheritance Give larger estimates

15 Demo

16 Questions?

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