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2 The growing Latin American middle class will create conditions for consumption growth.
Increasing employment of the population creates conditions favorable for new parcel delivery solutions. Parcel terminals are an excellent way to start a business at minimal cost, develop new business ideas and contribute to the overall economic growth in Latin America.

3 Initial economic thoughts on Latin America...
2012 Brasil Mexico Argentina Colombia Chile Peru Population (mi) 195 mi 115 mi 41 mi 48 mi 17 mi 30 mi GDP (US$, bn at PPP) 2,359 2,060 745 499 321 326 GDP per capita (US$ at PPP) 12,120 17,910 18,036 10,353 18,450 10,604 GDP growth rate 1.0 % 4.0 % 2.0 % 3.8 % 5.4 % 6.2 % Inflation (av.) 4.1 % 10.0 % 3.2 % 3.0 % 3.7 %

4 Business thoughts on Latin America...
2012 Brasil Mexico Argentina Colombia Chile Peru Number of Households (2011) 59 mi 26 mi 11 mi 12 mi 5 mi 8 mi Personal Disposable Income (pc, US$) 7,469 6,348 4,320 5,537 8,885 2,851 Ease of Doing Business (World Bank, ranking) 126 53 113 42 39 41 Global Competitiveness Index (WEF, ranking ) 48 94 69 33 61

5 Upper class (A/B) Middle class (C+) Working class (C) Poor (D/E)
Latin American consumer class on the rise, especially in Mexico and Brasil The Latin American Consumer of 2020 Looking specifically at Latin America, the region will have a combined GDP of US$ 10,700 billion, equivalent to 9% of the global GDP, and double that of Private consumption per head will reach US$ 11,143, compared to US$ 6,360 in By 2020, Latin America will represent 10% of the global population and a total market of 640 million consumers. Businesses can capitalize on this growing consumer demand by anticipating the changing demographics of the region and positioning themselves to reap the benefits of the resulting changes in consumer behaviour. Today, the traditional middle and upper class echelons of Latin America, about 120 million consumers, spend close to $1.5 trillion a year.  They are almost exclusively urban and close to 70% of them live in the region’s 20 largest cities.  They are relatively easy to get to through retail networks, even online. MEXICO BRASIL Upper class (A/B) Middle class (C+) Working class (C) Poor (D/E)

6 Estimated GDP by major economic blocks for 2012 and the amounts represent the nominal GDP in US$ (bn) North America 2012 $17,526 2020 $25,033 Latin America 2012 $5,948 2020 $10,390 Africa 2012 $2,030 2020 $3,911 Europe 2012 $18,224 2020 $25,918 Oceania 2012 $1,639 2020 $2,382 Asia 2012 $21,000 2020 $44,316 Key demographic trends in the region are changing consumer demand Latin America’s demographics are changing dramatically: a growing workforce, the enhanced role of women in society, and the emergence of a robust middle class, will all deeply impact consumption behavior and the region’s economic future.The Latin American workforce continues to increase its base, growing from 170 million in 1990 to approximately 280 million  This trend will continue throughout 2020, concentrated primarily among the age group and 25-to-35- year-olds. A broadening middle class By 2020, the middle class will represent the majority of consumers in the region.  Consumer behavior patterns for 2020 As Latin American cities continue to grow, so too will people’s commutes and time spent in transit; consequently, the consumers will begin to value time a lot more and will seek out more time-saving products such as communication devices, automatic machines, prepared foods, and ready-made (or more durable) products.  SOURCE: AMI based on information from the EIU.

7 Population by age groups in Latin America for 2010 and 2020
57 mi 255 mi 104 mi 160 mi 2020 83 mi 296 mi 105 mi 149 mi 60+ 25-59 15-24 0-14 Šių dienų ekonomika yra stipriai įtakojama naujausių mokslų technologijos revoliucijos atradimų. Pokyčiai prie kurių priveda šie atradimai tokie gylūs, kad specialistai įvedė tokius terminus, kaip naujoji ekonomika arba e-ekonomika. Naujoji ekonomika sudaro galimybes optimizuoti daugybę verslo procesų ir taip pat priverčia senuosius tradicinius verslo vedimo būdus tobulintis ir keistis. Naujoji ekonomika tiesiogiai įtakoja visą pašto sektorių su visomis logistinėmis struktūromis. Tradicinio pašto paslaugos turi ateitį, nes naujosios tecnologijos negali pilnai jų pakeisti, bet jos gali labai teigiamai įtakoti paslaugų kokybę. Pašto sektorius yra viena svarbiausių infrastruktūrų, kurios pagalba valstybinės institucijos ir privatūs asmenys gali bendrauti viena su kitu. Stiprios ekonomikos be stipraus pašto neegzistuoja. Palengvindamas prekybos ryšius, pašto sektorius yra pasaulio ekonomikos variklis. Jo svarbiausia dalis yra vedančiosios logistikos kompanijos, dirbančios mikro įmonių ir mažojo verslo interesams kaip besivystančiose taip ir išsivysčiusiose šalyse. Siuntų terminalai yra svarbi ir būtina tobulėjančio pašto sektoriaus dalis, skatinanti vidine šalies ekonomiką. SOURCE: AMI based on information of the ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

– A MODERN WAY OF PARCEL DELIVERY kas yra terminalas, ka su juo galima siusti, gauti, saugoti .- prekiu mainai,       - virtual Shops (t.y kai akcijines e-shopu prekes is anksto apkraunamos y terminalus ir paskelbiama akcija, zmogus gali nuvykti, atsiskaityti y terminala ir is karto pasiimti preke)       - daiktu saugojimo paslaugos       - galimybe sumoketi mokescius naudojanti Loginpost   terminalu;       - atlikus modifikavima su temperaturos palikymo funkcija, galimybe atsiimti butiniausius maisti produktus is anksto juos uzsakius internetu (bendradarbiavimas su prekybos centrais)

9 Who can use self-service parcel terminals?
Online shops (, and their customers); Shops offering goods from catalogs and their customers; Telecommunication companies sending various accessories to their customers (modems, set-top boxes, phone cards and mobile phones); Companies that frequently send mail; State institutions that often send mail; Everyone who currently uses postal services. Online shops (, and their customers) Shops offering goods from catalogs and their customers Telecommunications companies sending various accessories to their customers (modems, set-top boxes, phone cards and mobile phones) Companies that frequently send mail State institutions that often send mail Everyone who currently uses postal services

10 Economic benefits of self-service parcel terminals
Increasing the exchange of goods among consumers; Free time occurrence for consumers; Smaller logistic costs for national posts; Development of small business; E-commerce development; Car congestion reduction; More efficient postal labor force resource allocation; Postal sector's profitability and the impact on overall GDP.

11 Benefits for the company
Increased customer satisfaction: they no longer need to stand in long lines at the post office to receive or send parcels; Increased efficiency of post office employees; Increasing company’s income: a larger number of serviced customers; Increased competitiveness against other international and local parcel delivery companies; Strengthened regional leader’s role; New company’s image when promoting itself to the young and growing generation; Increased appeal to potential foreign investors into the country. 7. Terminalo nauda ekonomikai: - Didėjantys prekių mainai tarp vartotojų. Geriau paskirstytos prekės regionuose padidins vidinį šalies vartojimą. Tai įtakos lankstus terminalų darbo grafikas – 24/7, pigesnis mokestis už pristatymą, greitas paslaugos įvykdymas ir t.t... -Didelį vaidmenį siuntų terminalų privalumuose atlieka pigesni pašto logistikos kaštai. - Vartotojų laisvo laiko atsiradimas. Lotynų Amerikoje ypatingai didelis paštų poskyrių apkrovimas. Norėdamas išsiųsti ar pasiimti siuntinį ar registruotą laišką, žmogus yra priverstas laukti ilgose eilėse. Šią problemą puikiai išspręstų siuntų terminalai. Tai taip pat įtakotų vidinės ekonomikos vystymąsi, nes atsiradusį nuo laukimo laiką, žmonės galėtų leisti kituose prekybos ir paslaugų sektoriuose. - Smulkaus verslo kėlimas. - Elektroninės prekybos vystymas. - Automobilių spūsčių mažinimas. Šiuo metu pasaulinis pašto sektorius turi 5,5 mln darbininkų, 690 tūks. pašto skyrių, 970 tūkst. automobilių ir 370 tūkst. motociklų( pagal “Union Postale” žurnalą). Pašto siuntų terminlai optimizuotų siuntinių pristatymą ir sumažintų reikiamo transporto naudojimo kiekį ir laiką. - Efektyvesnis pašto darbo jėgos resursų paskirstymas. Sutaupytas siuntų pristatymui laikas gali būti išnaudojamas kitiems darbams.- -Pašto sektoriaus pelningumo padidėjimas ir to įtaka bendram BVP. (Čia reiktų pasižiūrėti kitų lotynų amerikos šalių pašto dydžius. Bent jau Brazilijoje tai yra milžiniška kompanija, kurios teigiami rodikliai tikrai gali tiesiogiai įtakoti šalies BVP)

12 Benefits for the customer
Easy to use; Convenient location; Convenient time; Quick service; Inexpensive; Secure; Versatile. Easy to use: anyone can put a parcel in the locker or take it out, and it is very easy to pay for the service by bank card or in cash. - Convenient location: the customers can send or receive parcels at the same places that they visit every day when purchasing food or other daily necessities. They no longer need to stay at a specific place waiting for the courier or go to a post office located somewhere far away. - Convenient time: the parcels can be sent or received as long as the shopping mall is open, or in some cases 24/7 (outdoor terminals). - Quick service: the parcels reach the recipient in hours (depending on the working speed of the post office) - Inexpensive: the parcels are delivered to one location instead of numerous different recipients; the service is accessible to everyone. - Secure: security cameras are mounted and the information is recorded. Versatility: additional functions expand the possibilities of self-service terminals (ticket sales, crediting phone accounts, paying utility bills, etc.).



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