Applying the Human Views for MODAF to the conception of energy-saving work solutions Dr Anne Bruseberg Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd, UK on behalf.

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Presentation on theme: "Applying the Human Views for MODAF to the conception of energy-saving work solutions Dr Anne Bruseberg Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd, UK on behalf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying the Human Views for MODAF to the conception of energy-saving work solutions Dr Anne Bruseberg Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd, UK on behalf of the Human Factors Integration Defence Technology Centre (HFI DTC) 16 June 2008 INCOSE 08, Utrecht, The Netherlands

2 Objectives What is tele-working? –People are allowed / encouraged to work from home for large parts of their working time Why? … It reduces: –Costs for office-based facilities –Time and effort needed for travelling to offices –Greenhouse gases –Use of fossil fuels Effects –Human-related concerns play an important role –Creates distributed working practices –Need for technologies – to enable: Remote communication Information sharing for collaboration and cooperation activities. –Need for organisational and procedural implementation

3 What is HFI?

4 HFI domains Human Factors Engineering System Safety Manpower Training Personnel Health Hazards HFI Organisational & Social

5 HFI Functions

6 HFI Objectives


8 HFI Design Decision Areas

9 MODAF Overview

10 What is MODAF? MoD Architectural Framework Based on DoDAF Conceive complex systems Achieve Interoperability Support requirements specifications Model current and future systems (static) –Separation of component concerns –Several levels of abstraction

11 MODAF layers

12 Architecture characteristics Generic: Conceptual Data Model / Meta Model Instantiation: Logical and Physical Data Model View: window/snapshot onto model Architectural products Viewpoints

13 MODAF v. 1.1 (6 Viewpoints, 38 Views)

14 MODAF SV-1 (v 1.1)

15 MODAF Human Views – overview

16 What are Human Views (HVs)? Objectives –Express (high-level) HFI/HSI concerns in a Systems Engineering language –Capture human-related components of Enterprise models –Helps HFI/HSI to relate to SE concepts/methods –Ensures common modelling approach HFI design decision areas that can generally be perceived as formal definitions. –Not: the ‘soft’ issues that may be observed Informal dependencies and behaviours (they are constraints and results) Methods Functional definitions –extending traditional meaning of ‘functional’ to HFI design areas

17 The Human Views

18 HVs and MODAF

19 Outlook Issue 1 of HV Handbook Applications Guidance –Process –Methods Harmonisation with NATO HVs Further alignment with MODAF developments Issue 2 of HV Handbook (release early 2009)

20 MODAF Human Views – details & examples

21 StV-6 for tele-working Requirements: Operational Activity to Capability Mapping

22 HV-E: Human Functions and Tasks

23 Tele-working concerns: HV-E OV-5: Relevant types of work –Research; Design; Consultancy; Business Management (i.e. activities of ‘Knowledge Workers’) HV-E: describes human activities –for research: Project planning, information gathering, document writing –the practice of tele-working itself may introduce new tasks, e.g. Work monitoring – through more extensive project planning –fosters sense of accountability AoF: Options for tool support: –Automated time and activity logging – to support monitoring –OR: remote workers may be trusted and organisational mechanisms used Human Functions and Tasks

24 HV-F: Roles and Competencies

25 Tele-working roles/tasks/skills

26 Interactions affected by tele-working

27 HV-C: Human Interaction Structure

28 Tele-working (as-is situation)




32 HV-C elements for tele-working Requirements focus

33 Tele-working concerns: HV-C New travelling and office attendance patterns Distributed working environment with –remote communication –data sharing Equip employees with the necessary tools, e.g. –light laptop, mobile phone, remote email access –home-based infrastructures (e.g. networking facilities, furniture). Central office spaces receive different functions, e.g. –hot desks combined with mobile document lockers –many meeting rooms, teleconferencing facilities –catering shared with other companies –separate wireless networks outside secure company network Human Interaction Structure

34 HV-B: Quality Objectives and Metrics

35 HV-B: Tele-working example

36 The complete HV meta-model

37 Experiences Comprehensive framework – capturing breadth of HF concerns Clarified effects of change on other design aspects Scrutiny – clarified open questions and raised issues Graphical versions – facilitate communication between experts ‘To-Be’ models need to be grounded in ‘As-Is’ models Representation options need further development

38 Benefits of using HVs HVs model the human side of transformations needed for energy-saving work solutions, including: –HV-A: Who could be made available for tele-working? –HV-B: How may human-related benefits be expressed and measured? –HV-C: What are the human interaction structures to be supported by technology solutions? –HV-D: What are the required changes to formal organisational structures? –HV-E: Which human activities are to be supported by technology functions, and how should human and systems complement each other? –HV-F: Which human roles and skills need to be supported? –HV-G: What are the time structures, conditions, and scenarios to be supported for different configurations? HVs enable an overarching approach to manage change by embedding HVs in an existing Architectural Framework

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