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By: James Minyard Danny Lourence And Miss Maruna.

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Presentation on theme: "By: James Minyard Danny Lourence And Miss Maruna."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: James Minyard Danny Lourence And Miss Maruna

2  Africa- South Africa, Saudi Arabia  Europe- France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom  Asia- China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Russia  Australia  European Union  Russia spans from all of northern Asia to 40% of Europe  North America- USA, Mexico, Canada  South America- Argentina, Brazil

3  No formal criteria  Restricted and fixed to ensure effectiveness and continuity  Regions of systemic significance for the international financial system  Geographical balance and population representation also major parts  Composition of group has not changed since it was established

4  Established in 1999 (1 st meeting in Berlin on Dec. 15-16, 1999)  Response to 1997 Asian Financial Crisis  Brings together major advanced & emerging economies  Stabilized the global financial market  Further strengthened international cooperation

5  South Africa (2007)  Brazil (2008)  UK (2009)  Republic of Korea (2010)  France (2011, current)  Canada (1999-2001)  India (2002)  Mexico (2003)  Germany (2004)  China (2005)  Australia (2006)

6  Nov 14–15, 2008 (Hosted by George W. Bush)  Held at Washington D.C.  April 2, 2009 (Hosted by Gordon Brown)  Held at London, United Kingdom

7  September 24–25, 2009 (Hosted by Barack Obama)  Held at Pittsburgh, United States  June 26–27, 2010 (Hosted by Stephen Harper)  Held at Toronto, Canada


9 G-20 Summit Protests Belief that the G-20 members caused economic crisis Wealthy Nations v. Common Person  2008 Global Crisis 2008 Global Crisis  Toronto Protest Video Toronto Protest Video  watch?v=GaYbq484abs&feat ure=player_embedded watch?v=GaYbq484abs&feat ure=player_embedded

10  November 11–12 (Hosted by Lee Myung-bak)  Held at Seoul, South Korea  November 3-4 is the next projected meeting at Cannes, France (Hosted by Felipe Calderón)

11  Framework for strong, sustainable, and balanced growth  Strengthen the International Financial Regulatory System  Modernizing our Global Institutions to reflect today's Global Economy  Reforming the mandate, mission, and governance of the IMF  Reforming the mission, mandate, and governance of our Development Banks  Energy Security and Climate Change  Strengthening support for the most vulnerable  Putting quality jobs at the heart of the recovery  An open global economy

12  Agreement about policies for growth  Reduced abuse of the financial system  Dealt w/ financial crises and combated terrorist financing  Aims to:  Foster adoption of internationally recognized standards  Combat abuse of financial system by higher standards of transparency  Also by exchange of information on tax matters

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