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National Integration Center 1 National Incident Management System Resource Management Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD),

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Presentation on theme: "National Integration Center 1 National Incident Management System Resource Management Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD),"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Integration Center 1 National Incident Management System Resource Management Al Fluman, Acting Director Incident Management Systems Division (IMSD), National Integration Center

2 National Integration Center 2 NIMS Resource Management

3 National Integration Center 3 Resource Management Projects  Credentialing Identity (HSPD-12) Attributes (Qualifications / KSA)  Resource Typing 120 Maintenance  Mutual Aid System IAFC Emergency Management Committee IAFC Intrastate Mutual Aid System USET Mutual Aid Compact EMAC

4 National Integration Center 4 Approach to Resource Management: Disciplines  Emergency Medical Services  Fire Services & Hazardous Materials Response  Incident Management  Law Enforcement (in operation)  Medical / Public Health (in operation)  Public Works  Search & Rescue  Veterinary / Animal Control (in operation)

5 National Integration Center 5 Resource Management Projects Credentialing (Attributes / KSA) 1.EMS19 Positions 2.Search and Rescue36 Positions 3.Incident Management8 Positions 4.Public Works19 Positions 5.Fire/Hazmat19 Positions

6 National Integration Center 6 Resource Management Projects Resource Typing Maintenance of current 120 Resources Phase 2 Policy on National Typing Resources to be added to National Catalogue

7 National Integration Center 7 National Emergency Responder Credentialing System GOALS:  Ensuring that personnel responding to an Inter-State mutual aid incident are properly trained and qualified  Providing Uniform identification in accordance with Real ID Act and HSPD-12  Facilitate Public Safety Organizations decision to allow entry and/or access

8 National Integration Center 8 National Emergency Responder Credentialing System OBJECTIVES:  Utilize accepted licensing and credentialing practices for qualifications, skills and abilities  Decentralized operation  Gain Acceptance and Trust of all stakeholders

9 National Integration Center 9 National Emergency Responder Credentialing System COMPONENTS:  Eligible responders approved by sponsoring organization, i.e. jurisdiction having authority  Certifications and qualifications using existing standards  Accreditation of credentialing organizations  Credentialing information that can easily identify personnel and verify certifications, training, and license

10 National Integration Center 10 Resources Spectrum of Resources  Equipment (e.g. Generators)  Equipment with Crew (e.g. Fire Engine )  Teams with Equipment (e.g. SWAT Team, DMAT)  Persons with Skills (e.g. Physicians, Nurses, Lawyers)

11 National Integration Center 11 Resource Typing  Provides Capability Scale for Resources  Obvious attributes easy to inspect (count or measure)  Attributes unlikely to change  Basis for matching capabilities of resources to be used together  Tier 1 - Resources that require National Definition for Inter- State Mutual Aid  Tier 2 - Resources that are specialized and used for localized response

12 National Integration Center 12 Credentialing  Addresses both “Identification” and “Attributes”  Identity vetting specified by Real ID Act or HSPD-12  Attributes are not obvious  Attributes can be transitory  Tier 1 - Persons that must be pre-credentialed for Inter-State Mutual Aid  Tier 2 - Persons that can be credentialed after arrival

13 National Integration Center 13 When to Resource Type or Credential RESOURCE TYPE  External attributes that are obvious Measurable Countable “Things” Unlikely to change  Could have data plate  Quantitative - Descriptive Definition  “Equipment” and “Teams” CREDENTIAL  Internal attributes that are not obvious Skills Knowledge Ability Can to be transitory  Vetted Identity  Badge to combine Identity and Attributes  “Persons”

14 National Integration Center 14 National Integration Center Incident Management Systems  NIMS Website Information   Contact the NIC  Email:  Phone: 202-646-3534


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