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Yokogawa Corporation of America ©Copyright 2006 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved DXAdvanced Math Training.

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1 Yokogawa Corporation of America ©Copyright 2006 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved DXAdvanced Math Training

2 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.1 This discussion will be based on the DXAdvanced Math Functions. Step by step examples of how to setup the TLOG.SUM statement will featured. The main goal for this class is to become familiar with the /M1, math feature, of the DXA. It is expected that all attendees have already programmed or at least understand how to enter the Parameter sections of the DXAdvanced recorder products. Upon completion of this presentation, all attendee's will be able to configure the most common math question. How do I setup a totalizer channel ? What to expect from this training class ?

3 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.2 Math Statements may contain the measured data (input channels), computed data (other math channels) Constants (K01-K30), Communication data (C01-C30), or Remote terminal conditions (D01-D08). Each Math channel can accept up to 120 characters. The maximum number that can be displayed is 99,999,999 with NO DECIMAL PLACES selected. If this is exceeded a +***** will be shown and the Math will have to be stopped and reset. The result of the computation can be displayed and stored. Computation is performed based on the scan interval. What can I put into a math channel?

4 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.3 DXA - Math Channel Numbers Math channels for DAQStations are assign as 101 and above DX1002 – Channel 101 to 112 (12 channels) DX1004 – Channel 101 to 112 (12 channels) DX1006 – Channel 101 to 124 (24 channels) DX1012 – Channel 101 to 124 (24 channels) DX2004 – Channel 101 to 112 (12 channels) DX2008 – Channel 101 to 112 (12 channels) DX2010 – Channel 101 to 160 (60 channels) DX2020 – Channel 101 to 160 (60 channels) DX2030 – Channel 101 to 160 (60 channels) DX2040 – Channel 101 to 160 (60 channels) DX2048 – Channel 101 to 160 (60 channels)

5 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.4 Overview of Math Functions Numbers entered in the Math Statements are treated as channel numbers. To use a number other then a channel number a Constant must be used. These are K01 to K60 in the DXAdvanced. These are set up as follows: K01 = 1, K02 = 45.38, etc. If you enter 001 into a math statement the result will be channel 001 There are four arithmetical operations Addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (*), and division (/) SQR Determines the square root. ABS Determines the absolute value. LOG Determines the common logarithm. y = log10x EXP Determines the exponent. y = ex Relational computation Determines,, =, of two elements and outputs 0 or 1. Logical computation Determines the AND (logical product), OR (logical sum), XOR (exclusive logical sum) of two elements, NOT (negation) of an element and outputs 0 or 1. Statistical computation (TLOG) with SUM, MAX, MIN, AVE, and (P–P) values at specified time intervals over the time interval. There are three timers used to set the time interval.

6 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.5 Four arithmetical computations Now lets do some math We want to Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide channel 001 with channel 002 and show the result in math channel 101. Set channel 101 = 001+002 Computes the measured value of channel 1 plus the measured value of channel 2 Set channel 101 = 001-002 Computes the measured value of channel 1 minus the measured value of channel 2 Set channel 101 = 001*K01 Computes the measured value of channel 1 multiplied by constant K01 Set channel 101 = 001/K01 Computes the measured value of channel 1 divided by constant K01

7 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.6 Power, SQR, ABS, LOG, EXP Computations Power (**): 001**002 Raises measured value of channel 1 to the power of measured value of channel 2 Square root (SQR): SQR (001) Returns the square root of the measured value of channel 1 Absolute value (ABS): ABS (001) Returns the absolute value of the measured value of channel 1 Logarithm (LOG): LOG (001) Returns the common logarithm of the measured value of channel 1 Exponent (EXP): EXP (001) Raises e to the power of the measured value of channel 1 Note: The natural logarithm is not directly provided, but can be obtained by using the following: logex = log10x/log10e as logbx = logax/logab Therefore, to calculate the natural logarithm of the value of channel 01, set K01 = 1. Then the expression will become: LOG (001)/LOG (EXP(K01))

8 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.7 Relational Computation,, =, 001.LT.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is less than the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0. 001.GT.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is greater than the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0. 001.EQ.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is equal to the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0. 001.NE.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is not equal to the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0. 001.GE.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is greater than or equal to the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0. 001.LE.002 The computed result will be 1 if the measured value of channel 1 is less than or equal to the measured value in channel 2, otherwise the value will be 0.

9 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.8 Logical Computation AND, OR, XOR, NOT 001.AND.002 If both 01 and 02 are a non 0 value then the operation results in 1, otherwise in 0. 001.OR.002 If both 01 and 02 are 0 value then the operation results in 1, otherwise in 0. 001.XOR.002 If both 01 and 02 are different values then the operation results in 1, otherwise in 0. NOT001 Reverses the Logic of the value. If 01 is a 1 then the output is 0

10 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.9 TLOG Computation (MAX, MIN, AVE, SUM, MAX – MIN) TLOG.MAX (001 ) Computes the maximum value of channel 001 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned TLOG.MIN (001 ) Computes the minimum value of channel 001 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned TLOG.AVE (001 ) Computes the average value of channel 001 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned TLOG.SUM (001 ) Computes the summation of channel 001 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned TLOG.P-P (001 ) Computes the maximum value – minimum value of channel 001 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned NOTE: Only measured data and computed data can be used in the TLOG computation.

11 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.10 CLOG Computation (MAX, MIN, AVE, SUM, MAX – MIN) CLOG.MAX (001.002) Computes the maximum value of channel 001 and 002 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned CLOG.MIN (001.002.005) Computes the minimum value of channel 001, 002, and 005 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned CLOG.AVE (001-010) Computes the average value of channel 001 through 010 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned CLOG.SUM (001.002) Computes the summation of channel 001 and 002 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned CLOG.P-P (001-030) Computes the maximum value – minimum value of channel 001 through 030 over the time specified by the Timer No. assigned NOTE: Only measured data and computed data can be used in the CLOG computation.

12 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.11 DXA Math – what's new? I01~I36 These are the status of the alarm output relays F01~F08 Flag status. Assign in the Event Actions Special Computations PRE() This determines the previous value of the channel in the () HOLD(a):b When a=0, the formula b is carries out. If (a) is not zero then the value of b is held. RESET(a):b When a=0, the formula b is carries out. If (a) is not zero then the value of b is Reset. CARRY(a):b Only TLOG.SUM can be specified for b If the computed value of b is less than (a) the result is the computed value of b. When b is greater than or equal to a the result is b-(a)

13 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.12 DXA Math – If Then Else Conditional Expression [a?b:c] [001.GT.K01?002:003] If the measured value of channel 1 is greater than constant K01, the computed result is the measured value of channel 2. Otherwise, the computed result is the measured value of channel 3.

14 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.13 DXA Math – /PM1 option /PM1 options – Used only when special pulse input option is present P01~P08 Counts the number of pulses per scan interval Q01~Q08 Counts the number of pulses per second

15 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.14 DXA - setting up a TLOG.SUM – Step 1 This is an example of how to setup a TLOG.SUM for the DXAdvanced. Math channel 101 is set as TLOG.SUM(001) In the above example, the sum of input channel #1, which is a BTU per Hour rate is selected. The Span Lower and Upper can be set but is only important if a Trend of this channel on the display is required. The number of decimal points can also be selected. The Maximum number is 99,999,999. Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression

16 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.15 DXA - setting up a TLOG.SUM – Step 2 Selection of the Timer No. and Sum Scale is required to complete the TLOG.SUM statement. Math channel 101 will be assigned to Timer No.1. The Sum scale will equal /h based on the rate of input Channel #1 being a BTU/HR rate. The RESET is ON/OFF based on what to do when Timer No. is up. Press MENU key Select Math channel TLOG, Rolling average Press MENU key Select Math channel TLOG, Rolling average

17 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.16 DXA - setting up a TLOG.SUM – Step 3 The selections for Mode are Absolute or Relative. Absolute means based on the whole hour. 1h would be from 10:00 to 11:00 exactly. Relative is based on the Start time. If 1h is selected but it is 10:13 then it will be from 10:13 to 11:13 and so on. Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Timer Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Timer

18 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.17 DXA - TLOG.SUM – Roll over The TLOG.SUM will again totalize up to the 99,999,999 number and go to +******. To eliminate that problem the RESET(a):b feature can be used. The above TLOG.SUM will count up to the value set in K01 then reset back to 0, effectively rolling over Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression

19 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.18 DXA - TLOG.SUM – Carry over The TLOG.SUM will again totalize up to the 99,999,999 number and go to +******. To eliminate that problem the CARRY(a):b feature can be used. The above TLOG.SUM will count up to the value set in K01 then reset back to 0, effectively rolling over Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression This is a better choice then the RESET because any value over the Carry value is added after the reset.

20 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.19 DXA - setting up a Monthly TLOG.SUM – Step 1 Set channel 102 to F01. This will be used in a later step. Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Select channel 102 Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Select channel 102

21 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.20 DXA - setting up a Monthly TLOG.SUM – Step 2 Math channel 103 is set as RESET(102.NE.PRE(102)):TLOG.SUM(001) In the above example, the sum of input channel #1, which is a Gallons per Minute rate is selected. The Span Lower and Upper can be set but is only important if a Trend of this channel on the display is required. The number of decimal points can also be selected. The Maximum number is 99,999,999. Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Channel 103 Press MENU key Select Math channel Calculation expression Channel 103

22 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.21 DXA - setting up a Monthly TLOG.SUM – Step 3 Select Month, Day 1, 0:00 for midnight and Repeat. This will cause this Match Timer #1 to change state every month @ midnight on the first day. Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Match Time Timer Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Match Time Timer

23 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.22 DXA - setting up a Monthly TLOG.SUM – Step 4 This will cause the Match Timer to cycle the F01 flag every month causing the Totalizer to reset. Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Event Action Press MENU key Select Timer, Event action Event Action

24 Yokogawa Corporation of America All Rights Reserved. Page.23 DXAdvanced Math THE END

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