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New Lannate® 25 WP Lannate® 25 WP is the same trusted broad spectrum,quick-acting insecticide that has been relied upon by growers for more than 25 years.

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Presentation on theme: "New Lannate® 25 WP Lannate® 25 WP is the same trusted broad spectrum,quick-acting insecticide that has been relied upon by growers for more than 25 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Lannate® 25 WP Lannate® 25 WP is the same trusted broad spectrum,quick-acting insecticide that has been relied upon by growers for more than 25 years and is a cornerstone in many production systems of quality fruit and vegetables around the world in a new formulation

2 New Lannate® 25 WP DuPont has re-formulated Lannate® as part of our stewardship and renewal strategy to provide safer crop protection products

3 New Lannate® 25 WP What is different about Lannate® 25 WP ? Lannate® 25 WP does not contain solvents - the active ingredient methomyl is dispersed in water A non-toxic dye has been added so that diluted solutions cannot be confused with water A non toxic embittering agent with strong taste deterrent properties has been added to prevent accidental ingestion

4 New Lannate® 25 WP Is Lannate® 25 WP as effective as previous Lannate formulations ? Yes. When new formulations are developed they are tested to ensure they meet the requirements of the user and control the pest spectrum defined by the product label. The formulation has been tested to ensure the quality of treated produce is not affected Lannate® is being supported through EU Annex 1 re-registration by DuPont

5 New Lannate® 25 WP Using new Lannate® 25 WP Lannate® 25 WP is a quick acting, broad spectrum insecticide with adulticide, larvicidal and ovicidal properties Lannate® 25 WP can be used on a wide range of crops (specify) in (specify country) The rate of use of Lannate® 25 WP is (specify) for (specify crop) The PHI for Lannate® 25 WP is (specify) Observe specific instructions for mixing and applying Lannate® 25 WP

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