TSUNAMI Provided by G. Wuesthoff.

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Presentation on theme: "TSUNAMI Provided by G. Wuesthoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSUNAMI Provided by G. Wuesthoff

2 Tsunami is the Japanese word for “great harbor wave”
Tsunami is the Japanese word for “great harbor wave”. Though sometimes called “tidal waves,” tsunamis have nothing to do with tides. Usually an undersea earthquake starts a tsunami’s waves rolling across the ocean. If you’ve ever tossed a pebble into a pond, then watched ripples spread out over the surface, you’ve seen this principle at work. The actions of earthquakes, landslides, and even meteorites may cause tsunamis to occur.

3 What does the word "tsunami" mean. 1. High wave 2. Giant wave 3
What does the word "tsunami" mean?   1. High wave   2. Giant wave   3. Earthquake wave   4. Great harbor wave Answer

4 Great harbor wave

5 What can cause tsunamis?
  1. Undersea quake   2. Wind   3. Fire   4. All of the above Answer

6 Undersea quake

7 Suppose there is a big earthquake in the middle of an ocean
Suppose there is a big earthquake in the middle of an ocean. The ocean floor shakes and creates waves. These waves spread out from the center of the quake to all directions. They travel at a speed of miles per hour. As these waves come near the land, they start to slow down, but they begin to grow higher. Once these big waves break or hit the land, they can cause serious damage. People get killed. Villages get washed away. Buildings get ruined.

8 This entire village was swamped by waves and was destroyed.
An aerial shot shows flattened houses near the coast of Banda Aceh on the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, January 5, 2005.

9 The most recent tsunami was in Asia
The most recent tsunami was in Asia. On December 26, 2004, there was a big undersea earthquake outside of an island called Sumatra. Sumatra belongs to a country call Indonesia. The undersea quake pushed the entire island of Sumatra 100 feet southwest. It created huge harbor waves These waves reached up to 50 feet high when they came ashore. Because there was no “tsunami warning system” in that area, People did not escape in time and over 155,000 died. The disaster is one of the worst ever recorded in history!

10 The closest land area to the December 26, 2004 tsunami was an island called
Madagascar Somalia Sumatra Answer

11 Sumatra

12 How far did Sumatra move after the earthquake on December 26, 2004?
100 feet southwest 100 feet northeast 100 feet northwest Answer

13 100 feet southwest

14 The areas in blue show the countries that were most affected by the 50 foot waves. The epicenter is where the quake originated or began.

15 The place where an undersea Tsunami began or originated is called the
Centerpole Epicenter Earthquake Answer

16 Epicenter

17 In which ocean did the tsunami occur or take place? Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Answer

18 Indian Ocean

19 In the Pacific Ocean there is a “tsunami warning system” in operation near Pearl Harbor. Fortunately, tsunamis take time to travel, which can give populations in harm's way anywhere from a few minutes to many hours to flee. For this reason, 26 countries have banded together to establish a tsunami-warning system for the Pacific. There is not one yet in the Indian Ocean. If there were a tsunami near the United States, Hawaii would be the state at greatest risk.

20 This Thai fishing boat was thrown up on shore by the tsunami.
Many fishermen who were fishing out on the ocean were drowned.

21 In December in the United States, it is the winter season, but in the areas near the Indian ocean, December is the summer season. People are vacationing and enjoying the beach and that is why so many of them were surprised by the tsunami.

22 The destructive force of the water is powerful.

23 What season is it in December in the USA? Spring Fall Summer Winter

24 Winter

25 What season is it in December in the Indian Ocean?
Fall Winter Summer Spring Answer

26 Summer

27 The largest wave ever recorded was not in the Indian Ocean but in Lituya Bay, Alaska.
A reliable tsunami warning system for all oceans does not yet exist. There are tsunami watch bulletins that mean an earthquake with a force of 6.75 or greater has occurred somewhere, but most of the alarms issued have been 75% false. One of the warning signs of a tsunami is when water suddenly rushes from the shore out to sea. However, you only have minutes to react!

28 Click on the photo and watch a video of how a tsunami develops.

29 Small tsunamis, that cause little damage, occur about once a year
Small tsunamis, that cause little damage, occur about once a year. But waves with a height of 15 to 20 feet occur every Ten years Two Years Five years Answer

30 Five years

31 Tsunamis with waves of 100 feet or more occur every
Ten years Twenty years Fifty years Answer

32 Twenty years

33 Click on the link to take a Tsunami Quiz

34 THE END Right click to end show.

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