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Big Question: How many forms of transportation can you name? Author: Rosemary Wells Genre: Animal Fantasy.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: How many forms of transportation can you name? Author: Rosemary Wells Genre: Animal Fantasy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: How many forms of transportation can you name? Author: Rosemary Wells Genre: Animal Fantasy

2 Big Question: How many forms of transportation can you name? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review


4 Monday How many forms of transportation can you name?

5 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Max Takes the Train Vocabulary Words Practice /j/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 24: A Pet Hen Grammar: Introduce Questions Time for Social Studies: Traffic Signals and Signs Social Studies: Story Travel

6 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

7 Through the Jetway Through the jetway, through the jetway, To the plane, to the plane, Look at all these things that float, I can see a ferryboat, Down below, down below. Through the tunnel, through the tunnel, I will ride the subway, Faster than a shooting star, More fun than the sidecar, On my bike, on my bike.

8 Amazing Words

9 plane

10 jetway

11 subway

12 tunnel

13 ferryboat

14 sidecar




18 bus

19 train

20 flight attendant




24 Blend Sounds j a m j e t j o b j o t J i l l J i m J o n

25 High Frequency Words

26 yellow

27 green

28 may

29 than

30 blue

31 part

32 made

33 first

34 Word Work

35 Review hen pen pet Peg bed fed


37 is it monday Is it Monday?

38 Grammar A sentence that asks something is called a question. Sometimes we want to ask a question. How did you get to school today? This is a question. It asks something. You always end a question with a question mark.

39 Grammar Which sentences are questions? What did you do today? When did you eat lunch? I ran to school. What time is it? I must leave.

40 Let’s Write Let’s take turns asking each other a question.

41 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label three different kinds of transportation.

42 Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read Max Takes the Train again.

43 Tuesday What forms of transportation can be yellow, blue, or green?

44 Today we will learn Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Max Takes the Train Vocabulary Words Practice /j/ and /w/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: Jen and Will Grammar: Questions Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Forms of Transportation Comprehension: Realism and Fantasy Drama : Dramatize Max Takes the Train

45 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

46 Through the Jetway Through the jetway, through the jetway, To the plane, to the plane, Look at all these things that float, I can see a ferryboat, Down below, down below. Through the tunnel, through the tunnel, I will ride the subway, Faster than a shooting star, More fun than the sidecar, On my bike, on my bike.

47 Amazing Words

48 plane

49 jetway




53 bus

54 train

55 flight attendant


57 Jill Jones Was a Juggler Jill Jones was a juggler. We’ll say she was the best. She jumped on a jet. She wanted to go west. Will Jones went with her. He juggled jelly jars. So the jolly jugglers journeyed Way west under the stars!






63 Blending Practice w i l l J e n a n d g e t o n j e t b i g j o b s j o b c a n

64 High Frequency Words

65 yellow

66 green

67 may

68 than

69 blue

70 part

71 made

72 first

73 High-Frequency Words Review the is a blue have like to go they see you with


75 is it wet Is it wet?

76 Grammar When we meet a new friend, we want to find out about that person. We can ask What is your name? and What do you like to play? Our new friend can answer our questions.

77 Grammar Sentences that ask about something are called questions. They don’t end with a period, they end with a question mark.

78 Let’s Write! Many things in the story are make-believe. Rabbits don’t talk and ride on buses. Can you think of other things from the story that are make-believe?

79 Let’s Write! A rabbit that talks is make-believe. The rabbits riding in a plane are make-believe.

80 Amazing Word Review abuela adventure

81 Daily Journal Writing Dictate or write three words that start with Jj.

82 Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read Max Takes the Train again. Where was Max trying to go?

83 Wednesday Where can you walk through a jetway?

84 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Max Takes the Train Vocabulary Words Practice /j/ and /w/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: Jem and Jan Win Grammar: Pronoun “I” Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Exploring Transportation Comprehension: Realism and Fantasy

85 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

86 Through the Jetway Through the jetway, through the jetway, To the plane, to the plane, Look at all these things that float, I can see a ferryboat, Down below, down below. Through the tunnel, through the tunnel, I will ride the subway, Faster than a shooting star, More fun than the sidecar, On my bike, on my bike.

87 Amazing Words

88 subway

89 tunnel

90 Shared Reading



93 bus

94 train

95 flight attendant



98 Substituting Initial Sounds j e t w e t J e n d e n n e s t w e s t W i l l J i l l p i g w i g j a m ham f e l l w e l l




102 Blend Sounds J e m a t c a n J a n h a t w i n i t s p o t c a p r e d c a t p i g k i t w i l l

103 High Frequency Words

104 yellow

105 green

106 may

107 than

108 blue

109 part

110 made

111 first


113 i like to go in A car I like to go in a car.

114 Grammar When I want to tell you something about myself— something I like or do—I use the word I. For example, I like to eat oatmeal in the morning.

115 Grammar When you tell me things about yourselves, you also use the word I. When AlphaBuddy points at you, tell him what you like to eat in the morning. Use the word I.

116 Let’s Write! The children in the story are named Jem and Jan. I am going to write a sentence about their adventure using the letters Jj and Ww. Jem, and Jan win a hat.

117 Daily Journal Writing Draw a picture of Max riding on a bicycle.

118 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read Bunny Day again.

119 Thursday How does your family travel when they go to the store?

120 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Bunny Day Practice /j/ and /w/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 25: On a Jet Grammar: Questions Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Family Roles Science: Mixing Colors Math: Tell Time

121 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

122 Through the Jetway Through the jetway, through the jetway, To the plane, to the plane, Look at all these things that float, I can see a ferryboat, Down below, down below. Through the tunnel, through the tunnel, I will ride the subway, Faster than a shooting star, More fun than the sidecar, On my bike, on my bike.

123 Amazing Words

124 ferryboat

125 sidecar







132 Blend Sounds w i l l o n j e t W e s h a d b i g j o b w e t f i l l i t

133 Blend Sounds g a s J e n s a t i n g r i n c a n h o p f a s t b a g

134 High Frequency Words yellow blue green the with go


136 is max on the bus Is Max on the bus?

137 Grammar A telling sentence sounds like this: I feel fine. An asking sentence, or question, sounds like this: How do you feel? A question needs an answer.

138 Let’s Write! In Max Takes the Train, we read about many different forms of transportation. Let’s write sentences using the letters Ww and Jj.

139 Let’s Write! I like to ____ to school. Jen likes to fly in a ____.

140 Daily Journal Writing Draw and label two characters from Max Takes the Train.

141 Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about some naughty shoes. What do you think they did that was naughty?

142 Friday How many forms of transportation can you name?

143 Today we will learn: Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “The Naughty Shoes” Practice /j/ and /w/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Read the Words and Sentences Grammar: Questions Social Studies: Our Transportation Social Studies: Unusual Transports Science: Make-Believe Animals

144 Talk with Me, Sing with Me

145 Through the Jetway Through the jetway, through the jetway, To the plane, to the plane, Look at all these things that float, I can see a ferryboat, Down below, down below. Through the tunnel, through the tunnel, I will ride the subway, Faster than a shooting star, More fun than the sidecar, On my bike, on my bike.

146 Amazing Words

147 plane

148 jetway

149 subway

150 tunnel

151 ferryboat

152 sidecar

153 Shared Reading

154 “The Naughty Shoes”

155 Phonics


157 High Frequency Words

158 yellow

159 green

160 may

161 than

162 blue

163 part

164 made

165 first


167 did you eat dinner Did you eat dinner?

168 Grammar This week we talked about questions. When you ask someone a question, they give an answer. When you write a question, you need to use a question mark at the end.

169 Let’s Write! This week we read stories about transportation and listened to “Through the Jetway.” We read Max Takes the Train, Jem and Jan Win!, and On a Jet.

170 Let’s Write! Let’s write about what we liked in our favorite story.

171 Daily Journal Writing Draw or write about an item that you really want to have or eat.

172 Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read abook called Mayday! Mayday! What do you think the story will be about?

173 New Words Review

174 High Frequency Words yellow green may than blue part made first

175 Vocabulary Words bus train flight attendant

176 Amazing Words plane jetway subway tunnel ferryboat sidecar

177 Progress Monitoring Progress Monitoring

178 Read the Words Set A Wes jet win Jan

179 Read the Words Set B will jets web went Jill jig

180 Read the Sentences Set C 1. Wes sat in the little blue jet. 2. Jem will win the hat. 3. Jan had a big yellow bag. 4. The blue jet is fast. 5. Will Jan win the green hat?

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