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Ch. 14 –Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro. Calling all archeologists… Your Mission: Explore the ancient site of Mohenjodaro and analyze artifacts to.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 14 –Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro. Calling all archeologists… Your Mission: Explore the ancient site of Mohenjodaro and analyze artifacts to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 14 –Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro

2 Calling all archeologists… Your Mission: Explore the ancient site of Mohenjodaro and analyze artifacts to learn about the people who once lived there.

3 Your Mission: You and a team of archeologists will work together to analyze a set of artifacts. Together, you will summarize your findings in an “Archeological Findings Report” which will be sent to other archeologists around the world.

4 Archeological Findings Report For each artifact, your group will: 1.Include a picture of the artifact 2.A hypothesis as to what the artifact is and was used for. 3.You will also read your text and include a summery of what other archeologists (authors) believe each artifact is and was used for. 4.Finally, you need 1-2 sentences describing what the artifacts teaches us about the daily lives of the people of Mohenjodaro.

5 Archeological Findings Report Each group must create an “Archeological Findings Report” to share with others. It must include: Group names and title,“Archeological Findings Report” Picture of the artifact Your Group’s Hypothesis as to what is is and its use. Summery of what other archeologists (authors) believe about each artifact. Connection as to what it teaches us about the daily life of the people of Mohenjodaro. Reports may be done in Word, PowerPoint, Glogster, or Prezi format. Archeological Findings Report

6 Example Archeological Findings Report By: Mrs. Thompson My Hypothesis: I think that this is a statue of a woman. It appears to be made out of clay or stone. I think this statue was made by artisans and used for display purposes. Archeologists Hypotheses: Archeologists believe this is a teracotta statue of a woman wearing lots of jewelry and a headress. Connection to Daily Life: This artifacts shows us what women may have dressed like and what their jewelry may have looked like. It shows that they probably wore items like this headress for ceremonial purposes. Artifact 1: Clay statue

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