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Ariel Charette.  For this presentation, I will be speaking about my experience in learning about special effects makeup.  I will go over my product,

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Presentation on theme: "Ariel Charette.  For this presentation, I will be speaking about my experience in learning about special effects makeup.  I will go over my product,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ariel Charette

2  For this presentation, I will be speaking about my experience in learning about special effects makeup.  I will go over my product, my mentor, my topics, and my successes and challenges throughout the project.

3  Special effects makeup has been used since ancient times in plays, and since the beginning of T.V. and movies. Today, it has become intertwined with the use of computer-generated special effects.  My three main topics are special effects in ancient theatre, the use in television, and today’s use of computer-generation.

4  Ancient Japanese Kabuki and Greek theatres were two of the most popular theatrical performance types in the world.  These productions began the creation of special effects by making masks, creating primitive makeup, and creating scenery for the plays.  This was the first time full audiences were given “other-worldy” performances.

5  Special effects had been used in television productions since movies and television were created, however in the beginning there was no special effects artists’, actors and actresses alike did their own makeup.  Makeup then was mainly used for horror productions, which were incredibly popular then, to create ghoulish monsters to captivate audiences.

6  As technology has progressed, CG, or computer generation, has been added in to heighten special effects and the impact they have on their audiences.  Computer generation is often added to humans, or pre-existing special effects to enhance them.

7  My product is two models transformed into a winter-themed demon and an elf, to demonstrate my skills and what I’ve learned throughout the project, both through self practice and my mentor’s guidance.

8 Working on My Product (Elf Makeup)

9 Working On My Product (Demon Makeup)

10  My mentor is Haley Peek, a self-taught special effects makeup artist from Black Mountain. She has taught herself many skills, as she’s been doing special effects makeup since she was in her early teens.

11  My mentor has taught me about use of different colors, a better understanding of the color wheel itself, and the mixing of colors. She has also taught me how to utilize this on human skin to create a fantastical or other-worldly look. She has also taught me how to create simple prosthetics.

12  I feel I have been successful in almost every area of my senior project. So far, it has gone very smoothly and has been stress-free. I enjoyed working on and completing my product, and would be doing similar things in some of my free time anyways.

13  The challenges I’ve had throughout this project are meeting up with my mentor, and finding the time to really practice my product and complete my hours.  Another smaller challenge was acquiring all of the products needed to complete my product.

14 Thank you for being my judges, watching this presentation, and learning about my Senior Project Experience! I hope you enjoyed it. Special Effects Makeup By: Ariel Charette

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