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Mon. November 25 Agenda: *If you took your psychoanalysis assessment (chart on Seinfeld) as HW, turn it in! 1. Review epochs—quiz tomorrow! 2. Psychoanalysis—recap.

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Presentation on theme: "Mon. November 25 Agenda: *If you took your psychoanalysis assessment (chart on Seinfeld) as HW, turn it in! 1. Review epochs—quiz tomorrow! 2. Psychoanalysis—recap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon. November 25 Agenda: *If you took your psychoanalysis assessment (chart on Seinfeld) as HW, turn it in! 1. Review epochs—quiz tomorrow! 2. Psychoanalysis—recap and personality disorders 3. Notes on Deconstruction

2 Match the correct epoch to the definition. 1. Explores the chaos of human existence, and the idea that we must create our own meaning. Stories can have a tone of angst or despair. 2. Portrays common, every day details so closely that the reader feels the story could really have happened. 3. is focused on the speech, customs, and characteristics of a certain part of the U.S. The local culture impacts the characters. 4. creates a creepy, gloomy mood throughout the story and goes beyond reality to show fantastical, nightmarish, and/or supernatural possibilities. 5. is focused on the emotion, self-expression, and spontaneity of the individual. 6. This epoch grew out of Romanticism, and promotes the discovery of truth through nature, nonconformity, and self reliance. 7. Influenced by Darwin’s theories, this epoch portrays humanity’s animal instincts and dark side. 8. This epoch looked back to classical literature to embrace tradition, formality, and structure. 9. This epoch created a cultural trend of questioning accepted truths.

3 Steps to Psychoanalyze: 1. Observe the way the character processes and expresses emotion. Are they mentally healthy overall? 2. What do you know about the character’s past? Did past or recent trauma create mental health problems? 3. Does the character repress emotions or desires, forcing them into his/her subconscious? Do you know anything about their dreams? 4. Is the character’s psyche (mind) mainly driven by their id, ego, or superego? 5. Is the character so imbalanced, for whatever reason, that they may have a specific personality disorder? *FYI your info sheet comes from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.

4 Tues./Wed. November 26/27 Agenda: 1. Quiz on Literary Epochs—please stay quiet until everyone’s finished. 2. Finish notes on Deconstruction 3. Complete formative assessment— deconstruct Michael Scott in an episode of The Office.

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