Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 1 ETSI TC ITS Liaison Report Date: 2009-01-23 Authors:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 1 ETSI TC ITS Liaison Report Date: 2009-01-23 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 Clint Chaplin, amsung ElectronicsSlide 2 Abstract Liaison report on ETSI TC ITS as presented to 802.11

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 3 ETSI TC ITS Terms of Reference TC ITS responsibilities: –Development and maintenance of Standards, Specifications and other deliverables to support the development and implementation of ITS Service provision across the network, for transport networks, vehicles and transport users, including interface aspects and multiple modes of transport and interoperability between systems, but not including ITS application standards, radio matters, and EMC. –Scope includes communication media, and associated physical layer, transport layer, network layer, security, lawful intercept and the provision of generic web services

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 4 ETSI TC ITS Terms of Reference Areas of activity –The activities of TC ITS will be performed in close co-operation with relevant standards activities within and outside ETSI. –To work in close liaison with other SDOs, particularly those responsible for providing application standards, to ensure seamless access and interoperability of Standards to support ITS service provision –To act as a focal point for initial standardisation and awareness of standardisation requirements and expertise for European development and provision of ITS services. –To act as a focal point and centre of expertise and excellence within ETSI in respect of Intelligent Transport Systems and coordinate with other ETSI committees, and where appropriate to represent ETSI in respect of ITS –To liaise and cooperate with the European Commission and ITS trade organisations in respect of enabling ITS service provision, quality assurance and certification –To liaise to ETSI ERM for ERM related spectrum matters and EMC, This includes that ERM and its TG’s remain as the focal point for spectrum related liaisons to ECC. –To organize regular meetings/workshops with appropriate stakeholders. –To establish external relationships (and joint working groups) where and whenever needed, including co-operation with 3GPP, CEN, CENELEC, ISO, ITU etc. Formal relationships will be established using the normal processes via the ETSI Secretariat (NIM/Partnerships).

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 5 ETSI TC ITS Terms of Reference Organization and working methods –TC ITS works in accordance with the normal rules as given in the ETSI Directives and, in particular, the Technical Working Procedures. –TC ITS will prepare ETSI deliverables of the type of EG, TR, TS, ES and EN. –TC ITS will provide progress reports to the ETSI Board and OCG from time to time. –TC ITS will liaise with other ETSI TBs (particularly with TC ERM, TC MSG, TC TISPAN, TC BRAN, and TC RT) and other SDOs, including 3GPP, ITU (APSC TELEMOV), CEN and CENELEC as appropriate. –TC ITS will operate in accordance with the MoU with ECC. In particular, it should liaise through ERM with ECC on ITS related radio matters. –Existing related work items should remain in current Technical Bodies except where it is mutually agreed to transfer the work. Updates to existing ETSI standard deliverables should be done within the appropriate Technical Bodies and be co-ordinated with TC ITS where relevant. –Where appropriate, joint working groups with other Technical Bodies may be created to develop deliverables for submission to the lead body.

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 6 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG1 User and Application Requirements WG2 Architecture and Cross Layer WG3 Transport, Network & Web Services WG4 Media and Medium related WG5 Security and Lawful Intercept WG6 Management and Administration

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 7 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups ITS Internal Structure and relationships

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 8 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG1 User and Application Requirements –The function of this WG is to acquire user and application requirements. It is hoped to attract new participants, from the automobile and equipment supply sector, from national transport administrations, road operators, and European R&D projects and to manage the presentation of requirements to other WGs. 1.Core Subject Areas 2.Passenger Requirements (including accessibility) 3.Automotive Industry Requirements 4.Road Network Operator Requirements 5.Freight and Logistics Requirements 6.National Security and State Requirements

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 9 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG2 Architecture and Cross Layer –This WG will develop the overall architecture, and address cross (OSI) layer issues 1.Core Subject Areas 2.ITS Architecture 3.CALM Architecture 4.Cross Layer Issues 5.Separation of Service Provision from Medium provision

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 10 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG3 Transport, Network & Web Services –This WG will develop Standards and TS regarding the transport and network layer, and generic web services to support ITS service provision. –It is expected that this group will attract networking and web service experts currently not involved in ERM TG37. 1.Core Subject Areas 2.Transport Layer 3.Network Layer 4.Network Management (Including CALM Management and Policies) 5.Generic ITS Web Services

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 11 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG4 Media and Medium Related –This WG will have subgroups for each of the media, including a group to handle CEN DSRC issues, and a group to manage radio matters and input/liaison with ERM on radio matters within ERM's scope. 1.Core Subject Areas 2.ERM Liaison/participation with regard to ERM scoped issues 3.5 GHz (IEEE 802.11) 4.Millimetre 5.Infra-red 6.ITS using Public Networks (2G, 3g, 802.16e, 802.20, HC-SDMA, Satellite) 7.WLAN 8.PAN 9.CEN DSRC 10.Other Media

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 12 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG5 Security and Lawful Intercept –This WG will address security and lawful intercept issues, and will liaise with TC LI and the appropriate WGs to implement Security & Lawful Intercept issues 1.Core Subject Areas 2.Network Security 3.User Security 4.National Security 5.Lawful Intercept 6.Privacy

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 13 ETSI TC ITS Working Groups WG6 Management and Administration –Will address the administration requirements, overall liaison with other committees and the efficient running of the TC. 1.Core Subject Areas 2.Progress 3.Plenary 4.Quality Assurance 5.Liaisons with other ETSI Committees/OCG/Board 6.Liaisons with external organisations (ISO, CEN, SAE, IEEE, TIA, ATIS, ARIB, ETRI, APEC, etc.) 7.Documentation 8.Cross WG issues

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 14 ETSI TC ITS Meeting – January 2009 WGs 1, 2, 3, and 4 met at an interim meeting held 12-16 January 2009 at ETSI headquarters in Sophia Antipolis Work progressed on each of the work items in those groups WG4 held extensive discussions on the work of the Special Task Force (STF) that is writing a European profile standard for the use of 802.11 as one of the media to be incorporated in ITS stations –Valuable information exchange occurred that led to impprovements and changes in both the STF draft and the 802.11 TGp draft

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0203r0 Submission January 2009 R. Roy (Connexis)Slide 15 ETSI TC ITS Future Meetings ETSI TC ITS Plenary meeting 20-24 April 2009 - BNetzA, Mainz, Germany ETSI TC ITS working group meetings 29 June – 3 July – Heidelberg, Germany (TENTATIVE)

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