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Day 3 - Investments We are National. We are the Best. Together, We are National Best.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3 - Investments We are National. We are the Best. Together, We are National Best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3 - Investments We are National. We are the Best. Together, We are National Best.

2 4 Types of Investments 1.Mutual Funds 2.Exempt Market Products 3.Segregated Funds 4.Bank Products

3 Mutual Funds Common pool of funds ___________ Client Initials

4 Mutual Funds Common pool of funds Strict investment guidelines (prospectus) Daily liquidity Fund values affected by markets & unit holder participation Mgmt fees or structure fees reduce performance Investor’s experience depends on when they got in & out of the fund ___________ Client Initials

5 Exempt Market Products Common pool of funds or specific investments Strict investment guidelines (Offering Memorandum) Limited or NO liquidity Asset values affected by markets & management performance Higher Mgmt fees, structure fees & commissions reduce performance Includes Hedge Funds, Real Estate Income Trusts, Mortgage Investment Corporations, etc. ___________ Client Initials

6 Segregated Funds ___________ Client Initials Contract linked to performance of a diverse pool of funds Investment guidelines outlined in information folder & contract Daily liquidity Fund values affected by markets & unit holder participation Mgmt, structure & bonus fees reduce performance, may be higher Assuris guarantees $2000/mo or 85% (whichever is greater)

7 Maturity Guarantee: 75% or 100% Death Benefit Guarantee: 75% or 100% Resets No Proof of Insurability Needed Potential for Creditor Protection Estate Benefits - By-passes probate $$$ paid directly to beneficiaries within 30 days notice of death Capital Losses are passed on to investor Seg Funds5 – Protect Yourself Against the Down Side 10-15 yrs $$ $

8 Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GMWBs) Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits (GLWBs) Deferred Bonus when money not taken in current year Guaranteed Income Products

9 Bank Products ___________ Client Initials Savings accounts, GICs, term deposits, bankers acceptance notes GICs & term deposits >5 yrs, and bankers acceptance notes NOT covered by CDIC CDIC limited to $100K per person, per institution Liquidity varies, good for short-term Returns are usually 1-2% below corresponding mortgage rates Real ROR typically below inflation

10 4 Types of Investments 1.Mutual Funds 2.Exempt Market Products 3.Segregated Funds 4.Bank Products


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