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Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May-June 2014. Support for Massachusetts Health Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May-June 2014. Support for Massachusetts Health Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May-June 2014. Support for Massachusetts Health Insurance Law Given what you know about it, in general, do you support or oppose the Massachusetts universal health insurance law? 2011* 2014 *Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May 2011. Oppose Support DK/ Refused Haven’t heard of law

2 Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May-June 2014. Generally speaking, do you think the health insurance law is helping, hurting or not having much of an impact on… The cost of your health care MA Residents’ Perceptions of the Impact of the State Health Insurance Law on Their Own Health Care The quality of your health care Your ability to pay medical bills if you were to get sick Your ability to see a doctor when you think you need to

3 Boston Globe/Harvard School of Public Health, Public Perceptions of the MA Health Insurance Law, May-June 2014. Do you approve or disapprove of the health care law passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010? Public Approval of National Health Care Law *Pew Research Center/USA Today, April 2014.

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