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Healing of Man Born Blind (Anatomy of a Conversion) John 9:1-41 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger February 24, 2013

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1 Healing of Man Born Blind (Anatomy of a Conversion) John 9:1-41 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger February 24, 2013

2 Introduction A. Growing Hostility toward Jesus B. Two key I Am statements by Jesus C. Tracing the anatomy of a conversion

3 A. Initial encounter with Christ: Creation of sight 9:1-7 1. Cause of mans blindness 9:1-4 a. Disciples response: doctrinal speculation who sinned, this man or his parents…? b. Jesus response: ~~Clarification: Neither…sinned but this happened to display works of God ~~Compassion: I am the light of the world

4 2. Cure of mans blindness 9:5-7 a. Anointing of eyes with clay: Stimulus to faith b. Washing in Pool of Siloam: …washed and came home seeing. Lesson: Jesus master of human destiny

5 SPIRITUAL LESSONS Hardships are sometimes opportunities for God to show His power Needs call for compassion, not laying blame

6 Pool of Siloam

7 Entrance to Hezekiahs Tunnel

8 Hezekiahs Tunnel


10 Middle of Hezekiahs Tunnel

11 Pool End of Hezekiahs Tunnel

12 Pool of Siloam Today

13 B. Report of a fact to Neighbors: Mistaken Identity 9:8-12 ~~Identity of healed: Isnt this the same man? I am the man. ~~Identity of healer: How were your eyes opened? The man they call Jesus…. I went and washed, and then I could see ~~Location of healer: Where is this man? I dont know.

14 C. Interpretation of fact: He is a Prophet 9:13-17 1. Pharisees questioned man: ? a. First question: How were you healed? ~~Pharisees dilemma: (1). Gods servant would not break Sabbath (2). Only Gods servant could do such a miracle b. Second question: What is your evaluation of one who healed you? He is a Prophet

15 2. Jews question parents: Is this your son? How was he healed? 9:18-23 a. Parents dilemma: ~~If positive: excommunication ~~If negative: ungrateful b. Parents evasive response: ~~this is our son ~~he was born blind ~~ask him

16 C. Mans Defense of his Interpretation: He must be from God to do this 9:24-34 1. Man cross-examined 9:24 Two types of assurance: a. Pharisees Dogmatic bias: We know he is a sinner. b. Mans Experiential conviction: 9:25 ~~ One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see.

17 c. Mans rejection of Pharisees conclusion 9:27-33 1) Pharisees: How did he open your eyes? 2) Man: I told you already… Do you want to become his disciples too? 3) Pharisees: You are this fellows disciple! We are disciples of Moses! … We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow we dont even know where he comes from.

18 4) Man: Now that is remarkable! You dont know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. We know God does not listen to sinners. …Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing. 2. Man excommunicated from Synagogue 9:34 Pharisees: You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us! And they threw him out.

19 D. Commitment of faith: Lord, I believe. 9:35-41 1. Jesus question: Do you believe in the Son of Man? 2. Mans answer: Who is he sir? Tell me so that I may believe in him. 3. Jesus disclosure: One speaking to you.

20 4. Mans response: Lord, I believe. 5. Jesus explanation of significance: 9:39-41 ~~Two responses to Jesus: a. Man: I believe. b. Pharisees: Unbelief resulting in: Your sin remains because you claim you see.


22 Blind mans progress in thinking about Jesus First stage: A man 9:11 Second stage: Prophet 9:17 Third stage: From God 9:33 Fourth stage: Son of man and Lord to be worshiped 9:35-38

23 Pharisees decline in unbelief First stage: Sabbath Breaker 9:14 Second stage: Sinner 9:24 Third stage: Dont know where He comes from 9:29 Fourth stage: Your guilt remains 9:41

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