Rewayat Hafs 'An 'Aasim by the way of Shaatibiyyah Muslla altaqwa 12 th lecture 12 Jumadi AL Aakhera 1434.

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1 Rewayat Hafs 'An 'Aasim by the way of Shaatibiyyah Muslla altaqwa 12 th lecture 12 Jumadi AL Aakhera 1434

2 Sifat AL Hroof- Cont At the begging of the course we defined the Tajweed technically as the correct recitation of the Qur'an that is achieved by articulating the letter from its articulation point and giving each letter its rights and due. Rights of the letter are its required characteristics that never leave it. We call it (BASIC CHARACTERISTICS) The dues of the letter are its present characteristics that are present in it sometimes and not presented in sometimes. We call it ( INCEDENTAL CHARACTERISTICS )

3 BASIC CHARACTERISTICS The basis never leave the letter. They are part of the intrinsic make up of the letter. They are divided into two parts as well: 1. The first part is the characteristics which have opposite. 2. The second part is the characteristics which have no opposite.

4 The basic characteristics with opposite The characteristicIts Opposite 1- Istilaa(Tafkheem)2- Istifal( Tarqeeq) 3- Hams4- Jahr 5- Shiddah6- The In Between & Rakhawa 7- Itbak8- Infitah

5 1-2 The Wisper( Hams ) Vs the apparent (Jahr) Hams is the continuation of the breath (whispering, expulsion of air) upon pronunciation of the letter The quality of Hams is found in the following 10 letters which are called Mahmuusah ( مهموسة ) ح، ث، هـ، ش، خ، ص، ف، س، ك، ت ) ) combined in three words حثه شخص فسكت ))

6 Exercise To test yourself that you apply the Hams properly, place your hand or a piece of paper in front of your mouth when you pronounce the letter of Hams. If you feel the flow of air or the paper vibrated, then you have successfully pronounced the letter.

7 Jahr Jahr is the stoppage of breath upon pronunciation of a letter. The quality of Jahr is found in the rest of the alphabet letters which are called Majhorah ( مجهورة ). They are 18 letters. They are ( أ، ب، ج، د، ذ، ر، ز، ض، ط، ظ، ع، غ، ق، ل، م، ن، و، ي ))

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